
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Eye Spy..... a new development

Yesterday was another lovely day out at Amitie Upstairs for the Thornbury Craft Bonanza. I didn't really have anything crafty planned to do for the day, so I put my hand up to help Bev with some quilts that she was putting together for Handmade Help.

I have never ever tried to make a proper quilt, and I've never ever tried hand quilting.

This is as far as I got....... but, my new development is that I actually enjoyed it. I'm usually the queen of the quick (less than two hours) and easy (meaning machine sewing) project, but in the last week or so, I've actually been craving for some sort of craft where I can snuggle up on the couch and relax and watch telly. The best bit about hand quilting is that you can snuggle up with the quilt while you're stitching. Who knew it could be so relaxing? Ok, so you probably all knew that already, but I didn't.... I'm such a duffa!

Here are all the girls hard at work

and Anabel modelling her quilt

Bev made delicious Zucchini and Cinnamon cake...

and Sharon made delicious Carrot and Walnut cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting (so I bet you can guess what I had instead of lunch)!
We finished off with a lovely dinner (albeit a bit noisy) in Black Rock.
For those that know me, no I don't eat seafood.... I actually forgot to take a photo of my own dinner!
Thankyou Christina for this weeks Eye Spy theme and to our lovely hostess Cindy.


  1. Great psot, that looked liked heaps of fun. Welcome to quilting! Watch out, it's additctive! Especially in that shop! Very inspiring.

  2. Great quilts! I think I'll have to try quilting someday too. And the food looks delicious, especially those cupcakes!

  3. Lovely to see you yesterday, enjoy your earrings and I think hand quilting will be a great winter project for u

  4. Looks like fun was had and lots of good food eaten :)

    I've never hand quilted before, takes too long for me. I love Anabel's quilt :D

  5. not only great quilts but such yummy food...i think i will have to rad the fridge for a snack now...

  6. Great work with some great ladies!

  7. Oh no - look at all the cakes ... er, I mean nice company ... I missed on Saturday!

    Like the look of the hand quilting. Nothing better than a snuggly craft!

  8. You sound like me! I'm a get it done now or it doesn't get finished kinda girl. I've never tried hand quilting, maybe one day I should. Thanks for the inspiring post.

  9. Oooh, we love hand quilting for the winter evenings in front of the TV. I swear I've listened to (not watched) so many movies in the last year....

  10. Cool! I'm not up to that part yet - quilting the quilt - I'm still trying to sew it all together but my sewing machine has gone on strike! It just won't sew properly! My mother is a genius in these areas, so it is going to visit her next Tuesday. If all else fails, it is off to the repair man, Allan!
    Then, maybe, I can get back to work on it... after I finish the play it forward gifts of course... I thought I would have them finished by now. Sorry!

  11. Loved your DUFFA!! You're a good woman. Looks like a great day and the quilts look wonderful!

  12. Stunning! Gotta love quilts! I've been promising my husband one for simply ages!

  13. Yay! I can't beleive how much handquilting you got done in one afternoon. A fine time was had by all!


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