
Friday, April 24, 2009

Orange and Green should always be seen

One of my favourite creative things to do is to take unusual (sometimes whacky) types of fabric and combine them together into a new creation.

This bag is definitely one of the whackier ones to date!

The outer is a thrifted velveteen type fabric combined with a vintage tablecloth floral panel and some spotty binding. I used some more of the tablecloth along with some thrifted orange fabric to make the straps.

I'm taking this one along to the market, so it will be interesting to see whether it gets snapped up. I really love it.... it's just my style

PS: Come back and visit later. I'm having a giveaway.


  1. Cam how early do u get up to post? Lol I can't believe you can do this first thing in the morning- I wake up and can barely see or put one foot in front of the other!!

  2. I'm loving this bag - yes orange and green make a mean machine (or bag :-))

  3. Such a cool bag. I wish I had your eye for putting things together. I often spot fabrics on Tradme that are a bit on the wacky side and don't buy them as I am not sure how to use them.

  4. It's gorgeous Cam. Great combination.

    Can't wait to see what the giveaway is.

  5. I like it too, it looks like it feels nice! I'm always for wacky or interestingly coloured accessories since most of my clothes are black. I like having a bright accent!

  6. The bag is stunning. I`m trying to get hold of Justine from the markets to see if there is room for me to have a stall.

  7. That bag is gorgeous! I love the colours and the velveteen... nice job!

  8. Lovely bag. Great colours and textures makes for a one of a kind talking piece!

  9. It's lovely!! The colours are rich and wintery.

  10. I love love love the orange fabric! :D

  11. You know, I have never been one to like orange and green together, but wow - that looks awesome! :D I can definately imagine some trendy fashionable chick walking around with that.

  12. I love the velveteen - It looks like you could pat it happily. I am sure it will get snapped up.

  13. I don't think this is wacky. I think it is absolutely beautiful and rich looking.

  14. Oh My God Cam, this bag is stunning!! HOnestly I love it, it's really outstanding. I think it's my favourite of your bags yet, no offense to the other bags of course!
    Hope to see you soon!

  15. Cam I love the new bag, and the fabric looks soooo familiar!! Just like my favourite bag!!!!!!

  16. Love it! The velveteen fabric and floral panel are amazing!!

  17. Are you trying to tempt me..?
    I live with a green and orange Kitchen (by choice) and have known to be wacky on more than one occasion!So I give this bag my full approval. If I'm not too late I may get to see it at the market!!

  18. Fantastic!! I'm sure it'll get snapped up quick. Love the bright spotty orange ribbon!

  19. I love it and I'm sure someone will snap it up!!

  20. I love this! great colours and the pattern is used in a great way :)

  21. Very nice Cam, I'm sure it will be snapped up

  22. Great bag Cam - if I didn't sew bags myself I'd DEFINITELY be snapping up this one! Terrific fabric and colour combination.


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