
Friday, April 24, 2009

A thankyou and a giveaway

I want to begin this post by saying a great big huge monstorous thankyou to each and every person who has lovingly packaged something up and popped it in the mail to me. It's just amazing to open the letterbox and find a pretty little package instead of a bill!

This lovely package of tea towels arrived yesterday from Katie from May the Cloth be with You. The citrus one is my favourite.... it'll make a fabulously bright apron. Thankyou Katie!

It's about time that I shared the love, so I'm going to start having regular giveaways.... things that I've found, or things that I've made. They'll just be randomly listed whenever I get around to it.

The first giveaway is this lovely little box that I found at the oppy yesterday. It looked old, and that was enough to trigger my intrigue...... so I opened it up and found:

This little vintage doilie embroidery set.

It has the original instructions, the little doilie which has been premarked, and also some emboidery threads which I'm sure are not actually original, but I'm sure anyone who loves embroidery will have some thread in their stash to use.

All you need to do is to leave a comment by Sunday night at about 7 PM Melbourne time and I will draw a random winner.

Good Luck and May the Cloth be with You!


  1. You can count me in!
    Since you're being generous and having a giveaway too, I'm going to give you 2 entries in mine. All in the spirit of free things! :)

  2. Gracious, I don't even know where you find the time for oppy shopping ! Do you have one next door to your new house? What a lovely find.

  3. What a fabulous find and even more fabulous is how generous you are in giving it away!

  4. love the box...i'm totally hopeless at embroidery but love the vintage love...

  5. Gorgeous! I love doilys :)

  6. Life is full of sweet suprises! What a lovely find.

  7. oh you guys find THE BEST stuff in op shops in Melbourne!!!! it's gorgeous

  8. Hi,
    Stumbled to your blog and found a give-away. Lucky me !! :-)
    The box is gorgeous, but the vintage doily is awesome. Wud be great to stitch ! Not sure if you ship international, if you do, then please count me in !!

  9. I wish I could find things like that at the op-shop - Such a sweet surprise!

  10. That is beautiful , count me in please .

  11. I'd love to be in the draw for this one...

  12. Oh! Put me in the draw for this one... :)

  13. I would love to win this little treasure! Thank you curly pops!

  14. What a wonderful little op shop find! How lovely. It reminds me of school holidays filled with sweet treats at my nanna's house!

  15. Why don't we have such goodies up here?! Count me in, I'd love to stitch up that little butterly.

  16. Oh how fabulous. It's just the sort of thing my mum would have done when she was younger. Very pretty!

  17. blimey!! top give away! gorgeous want it bad!

  18. Wow! You did well to find this little treasure. I looove old doilies and grew up with several that my mother embroidered in the 50's. Please pick me:>)

  19. oooh me me me lol and thankyou for making me famous on your blog :) My pleasure my dear for the tea towels xox Katie

  20. That citrus tea towel is beautiful.

  21. Great find! If your sure you don't want it, then you can count me in too! I have started learning how to hand stitch using a book from an op-shop! And I have a collection of threads from the oppy too! :)

  22. Where are these friends of your finding such fabulous tea towels!?!

  23. oh how fun!
    and i'm not too late to enter!
    i would gladly embroider these pretty butterflies! my fingers are crossed!

  24. What a generous giveaway, a true piece of vintage stitchery - no, I should call it fancy work! Please count me in!
    Happy stitching, P


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