
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A right Royal parcel

I arrived home lastnight to find a parcel waiting for me on my little doorstep!

Michelle from The Royal Sisters has been crocheting up a storm, making these amazing headbands and matching necklaces.

I've been wearing my headband out and about all day... it even matches my glasses. You'll have to excuse the photos - but these were the best of about thirty. Who knew it could be so difficult to take a photo of ones' own head?

Just don't go for the extreme close up view, or you'll see all my grey hair. Reminds me that I'd better book in for some more foils.

Thankyou so much Michelle for your generousity. If you head on over to The Royal Sisters Etsy shop, there are different colours and different designs.... but all so cute, and an absolute bargain too - Mothers Day pressie anyone?


  1. It looks fantastic on you. I might have to go and make one for my Blyth right now. This very instant.

  2. I agree, it looks great. You look like a doll.

  3. Aren't you a fancy pants?! Love the hair piece x

  4. I know how difficult it is taking a photo of yourself! Well done - the headband is so cute.

  5. What a neat gift... and you look beautiful!!

  6. I am loving Michelle's crocheted treasures and this one looks so lovely on you!!! really suits you Cam!!

  7. Don't you look gorgeous!! Such a pretty headband too!

  8. oh looks fantastic...
    and adore the matching glasses...
    and don't feel bad about trying to take now know why all my shots have the headband with no close up face shots...
    i too had to do the re dye before i started taking all my shots...and graphic convertor helped a tad!!!
    so glad you like them...
    and you look fabulous!!!

  9. That's lovely. I think I'm definitely going to have to learn crochet sometime. I'm obsessing over knitted/crocheted stuff at the moment!!

  10. Oh it's fabulous!! And you look cute too :)

  11. The headband looks fantastic on you! :)

  12. Hi! I love your headband. I love them so much I bought one too. :) YaY! Thanks RoyalSisters.

  13. oh that is the lovliest headband! I adore fun accesories like that.
    And I reckon you did a very good job of the photos...taken photos of oneself is certainly a challenge for me :)


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