
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Loot Glorious Loot - Day 4

Well, the pendant love continues with another piece of loot from the market....

I did a swap with Finki for this gorgeous glass pendant. I picked up another of her pendants at the last market in a lighter colour, but I also needed one (yes - I truly did need) in a darker colour.

This one will be perfect to wear with my Melbourne winter woollies!

More looters here...


  1. Lovely pendant! I hope you are feeling better by now.

  2. The pendant is great but I'm also loving the look of the little show box it's resting on.

  3. The pendant is lovely! And since you've been so lucky lately, you need to come and enter my 100th post giveaway. Of course, if you win, I'm going to claim that you have given sacrifices to the Internet gods :oD

  4. Of course you needed it! It's gorgeous!

  5. love the loot...
    great score...
    it will look lovely on...

  6. Very Nice! Ever thought of making your own??

    I have a vintage teatowel for you! I'm gonna keep it aside until I find a few more, then I'll send them down to you for some more apron making!
    I do need your address though. My e-mail:

    Talk soon!!


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