
Thursday, May 7, 2009

My creative space

The only thing that I've managed to create this week is a dent on one side of the couch, where I've been perching myself each day and night staring into the tv, waiting for the lurgy to go away.

I was extremely bored yesterday afternoon.... there's only so much daytime tv a person can manage to sit in front of before they lose it! I headed over to my actual creative space for a little bit of crazy stitching. There's an idea brewing in my brain..... I just don't know if it will translate to craftiness just yet....

More creativity here


  1. That's pretty :) I'm feeling the same. Not much energy to move, so not much getting done. It's too cold! I've been reading a lot of craft books....

  2. God I do hope that I didn't give it to you! I feel awful! I have spent the week on the couch as well :(

  3. Very interesting! I can't wait to see what your inspiration is.

  4. very pretty :D lots of nice colours

  5. hope u r feeling better.........BTW, why do u have all these spanish links?

  6. that looks good- if you can manage that when you are feeling crapola - the future looks bright!

  7. Very colourful! Can't wait to see what you are going to create with it. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  8. so what are Ridge and Brooke up to these days?? getting married or divorced, or have they dies and then come back with amnesia?

  9. Love the close up on those colors in your crazy stitching, very me.

  10. oooh, your creative space looks very intriguing...looking forward to seeing what you do with your idea. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  11. I'm sure it will be interesting. It's colorful already so we shall see what it becomes.

  12. I've said before I love this "crazy stitching". Looking forward to seeing what's in your head.

  13. My runny nose and I hope you get better soon!

  14. Love your crazy stitching! fabulous colours!

  15. Ooh ... you've just made the most perfect fabric for a snap purse!

    Hope you're feeling better soon!

  16. Hope you are feeling better soon! I love your crazy sewing, it's fabulous. I'd love to wear it as a skirt!
    Sophie x


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