
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Shop Update and a giveaway

I've just updated The CurlyPops Shop with some leftover items from the market....

I promised a giveaway last week but I got a bit snowed under with the market preparations, and I've been sick this week so I still haven't organised anything!

In the meantime, head on over and visit Missie Krissie for this fabulous giveaway

I'll definitely be having a giveaway this weekend!


  1. Hi Cam,

    Hope you're feeling better soon, like really soon.

    Sending lots of healthy wishes to you.

    Jen in Melbourne

  2. Hmm... you're sick, I'm sick, and FlickettySplits is sick... me thinkin' that we shared some lovely germs on Saturday :-)

  3. ...headin over there now...hope ur feelin better...and haven't started oinking...

  4. I love all of your aprons! I must invest in one soon. I always like finding something that is one of a kind!

    I am also having a giveaway every Sunday for the month of May...check out my blog for more details!

  5. That apron must be mine!! I love it SOOO much..

  6. hope you are better soon...
    there is a bit of the sniffles going around here as well...

  7. I'm heading over to your shop now to have a sticky... hope you are feeling better soon.


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