
Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Do you remember the Disneyland tea towel that Selina sent me a couple of weeks ago?

It's now become an apron for Katy

.... and as a happy co-incidence today, check out this post over at Lucy Bowler


  1. that fabric is PERFECT with that towel! You did an awesome job!

  2. Awesome - extremely excited! I made your bracelet on the weekend with the silver wire and it didn't look as nice - so i am going to put the mula in your account and work on buying some pink wire online for you...
    Thanks so much i can't wait :-)

  3. I looked on the offchance I would find one of those tea towel co-incidences in my own linen cupboard. Nup. But great apron.

  4. what a good way to show off a nice teatowel -great job.

  5. Love the colour combination;)Well done!

  6. Cute apron, I really like the colours!

  7. Taht is gorgeous. I really love the material that goes with it.

  8. yes, love the fabric combination! this apron just makes me smile. i love that orange fabric with the colorful starbursts on it! and the little village square - i'd like to have lunch under one of those umbrellas!

  9. that looks really good. I love the pattern on the material you have used with it :)

  10. How funny! It looks lovely on the apron and the other fabrics suit it very well. I was actually thinking of you when I bought it - having been around blogging for long enough to associate you and tea towels!!!

  11. GREAT tea towel, and what a coincidence!

  12. oooh, I love it Cam! I knew you would create something wonderful with it!


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