
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It's Tuesday and I can't wait.... finish off this bag. I've cut out the paper pattern pieces, block fused the interfacing and wadding onto the fabric, and then cut it out.

Tomorrow (hopefully, as long as not too many other things get in my way), I sew.

I'm a little bit late, but check out who else played along today at Buttons By Lou Lou...


  1. Ooh, I have one of those ready to go to, maybe a Sewjourn job? I was telling Nikki I have the old pattern, she was going to give me the new intstructions- have to ring and pay for goodies (and go into draw), will remind her. At least I can ask you for help!

  2. Can't wait to see your bag. hope you get some sewing time today.

  3. Hmm, Can't wait to see your creation!!This bag is in my "wish to do" list too;)I did a purse from Nikki a little while ago and was quite surprise how it was easy to follow her instructions;)

  4. Hope your day is full of sewing Cam, ending with a finished Baguette!

  5. CUTE! I just started sewing myself and its tuesday and I cant wait for was to find time to sew, I havent even started my project.

  6. Seems we're all bagging-along at the moment!

  7. Oooh that ones looks like it's a bit tricky. Look forward to seeing the finished product and admiring your skill.


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