
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's Tuesday and I can't wait to.....

....add this lovely piece of artwork to my fridge.

It's a portrait of me. Can you see the resemblance?

Check out the rest of the gang at Buttons By Lou Lou!


  1. A friend of ours had a similar drawing by his daughter (same developmental stage) made into a full colour tattoo, exactly the same as the original drawing. I'm not suggesting you go that far but it is a particularly beautiful way of remembering that time. Enjoy!

  2. That is very cute. Certainly some resemblance - 2 eyes, mouth, 2 ears, hair, neck, etc. Looking good!

  3. Well your little one gave you a big smile, I love to look at children drawings ;)

  4. That is perfect. I hope you are just as happy in real life today as in your portrait. That is definately one big smile!

  5. What an honour!!! I'm sure the artist will be very proud to see that it's on your fridge AND on her favourite blog!

  6. That big smile gives u away.
    Op shop post. Yah. I do check out the store window displays. Aren't the colour themes cute.

  7. Big smile? Check! It must be you!

  8. How cute. The artist is very clever and, of course, has a lovely muse!

  9. Oh I like that picture : o ) I also like the BIG happy smile.

  10. My what great hands you have ;)

    It's so sweet, very special!


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