
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Watcha Wearin' Wednesday & The Op Shop Challenge

Two birds with one stone today...

I've been following along with the op-shopping adventures over at Katiecrackernuts for quite a while now. She's been taking part in a workplace initiative to cut their carbon footprint, and has been wearing thrifted clothes to work (which she puts together with her own fabulous style).

So todays Watcha Wearin' Wednesday is inspired by Katie. Frances is wearing it for me because I only found it at Vinnies yesterday, and I haven't actually had time to wash it yet (oh, and the weather forecast is 16 degrees for today too).

I spotted it in the window when I parked my car, so I walked inside and asked the shop attendant if I could take it down and have a closer look. She just pointed and said "yes sure", so I had to unhook the hanging shop dummy, undress it, and then hook it back up in the window.

The top photo shows the actual colour - I had to use the flash for the other photo and it doesn't do it justice. It was above my usual op-shopping limit ($10) but I think it was worth it. I can't wait to road test it with a long sleeve top and jeans.

I also happened to stumble across eight lovely tea towels which apparently had only just been put out on the rack ...... right place right time!


  1. love the white detailing on that :D

  2. What a find, I LOVE it! A wee bit envious although I suspect it might be too small for me anyway - and what would I wear on the other leg?

  3. This is fab Cam. You'll look fantastic in it!!

    Jen in Melbourne

  4. Now that is a good oppy find! It's so beautiful! Can't wait to see it on, make sure u post a pic! I would have gone over the limit on this one as well!!

  5. You have the best op shop luck I have ever seen! It's lovely!

  6. Love the look of this dress. I can imagine it will knee high boots too.

  7. What a find even if you had to pay $10 for it. I think it is worth every penny.

  8. Absolutrely gorgeous. i love all the lace. Very me when I was young, way back when!

  9. Yum. Had a vaguely successful oppy soiree-ette yesterday too - if you don't count the ridiculousness of chasing anklebiter around shop while trying to be simutaneously inside change room trying stuff on...(aargh!)

  10. So pretty! What a great find!

  11. You so scored. Well done. I had to ask to take a bag down from a window display a few weeks back. Was well worth it. Kinda rock chick tote. I haven't yet got around to posting that one. You just reminded me.

  12. so jealous...that's gorgeous. I would team it with jeans and a 3/4 sleeve top too. Great taste!

  13. Oh, this is really cute! It will look great with jeans and a top, chunky red necklace, wedges.....

  14. I so LOVE this dress. May the op shop gods continue to shine on you

  15. great find! beautiful colour & detailing :)

  16. Who would give this away?! Well, it is lucky they did, because it is amazing and you are one very lucky op-shopper. Love it!

    PS. I have been keeping my eye out for cool vintage tea towels up here in the "Smart State" (ha ha ha), but they are all super expensive. Will keep looking.

  17. That's a really pretty find. Definitely worth $10. Hope we get to see the catwalk shot later! Maybe next Wednesday?

  18. that dress is divine! op shop score of the year!

  19. Great dress, what a find! I always find it really hard not to blurt out: 'it's from the op-shop' when anyone compliments me in an oppy find! it does truly feel great to wear something that you love, and fits well, that has cost the fraction of the price of 'new'!

  20. Wow.. once again you astound me with your op-shop-magic !!

  21. Wow! Great find! I found a shirt that My Mum bought full price at Millers at the op shop along with the teatowels. It was on the 5oc rack, so I got it and it fits her perfectly!
    also wanted to let you know that I've got a guessing game giveaway going on at my blog if you'd like to have a go!

  22. Super pretty Cam! Love it. Well spotted!

  23. It's nice! If you get a picture of you in it then you should add it to the 100% thrifted Flickr group - it's good for a browse too :)

  24. That is one fantastic dress! You really got lucky!

  25. O M GOSH...
    i adore it...
    if you road test it and really don't "like" it let me know...
    put me on the list...
    i think it's a hit with everyone...

  26. Nice find. Well worth blowing the budget!

  27. bitsofsunshine.typepad.comJune 3, 2009 at 11:51 PM

    ooo! what a lovely dress!

    and the artwork from yesterday - what fun!

    and the scarf the day before - love that, too!

  28. Meant to be indeed! What a great find! :)

  29. that is the cutest thing. if you wanna give it up, it would look great walking down the streets of NYC...

    No? can't blame a girl fro tryin!

  30. It's GORGEOUS. And who doesn't love a multi-season deal??

  31. Good work!! Finding a beauty like that is rare around my parts...

    I found your blog via Lark :)


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