
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Show and Tell - edited

I had a lovely day out yesterday. I underestimated the temperature difference between Melbourne and was rather chilly and rainy!

First stop was the Daylesford Farmers Market (1st Saturday of every month). There were lots of delicious goodies on offer. I bought some vegies, and this blackberry jam from The Nutty Orchard. I'm looking forward to having some on toast thismorning.

Next stop was the Daylesford Makers Market. The town hall is absolutely beautiful, it's just like stepping back in time. The market had a lovely warm and cosy atmosphere, with lots of lovely crafty goodies on offer and friendly stallholders. It was wonderful to meet some other bloggers and put faces to names!

I'm on a strict budget these days but I picked up a few little treats. A gorgeous crochet brooch and crochet hairclip from Beck at Dandelion. I'm keeping the brooch for me, and the hairclip will go into my upcoming birthdays stash (trying to keep up with the buying/making handmade for all birthdays).

Beck had also made the most beautiful handmade bunnies - and she also had little beds and blankies to go with them.... they were adorable.

The next treat stop was with Allison at the Lark stall. There were so many lovely things to choose from. I bought a donut rattle for a girlfriend who is due to have a bubba in July, the vintage fabric mirrors are for me, the 'I am 1' badges are for my twin nephews who turn 1 next Wednesday, and my sister bought me the '1 heart craft' badge.

I forgot to take my camera to get some photos, but I also checked out the lovely belts and cute little booties by Anna at Polly Pratt. If you hurry on over, Anna is having a giveaway.

After all of that craftiness, we headed out to the back of the hall where we feasted on homemade cupcakes, lemon slice and lamingtons at the cafe (I went back for seconds on the lemon slice - delicious)! The tables were set with vintage tablecloths and granny squares and flowering pot plants (how I wish I'd taken the camera).

Last stop on the tour was a visit to The Mill Market.
Anyone who loves a bit of vintage or retro could spend hours wandering around here. I picked up a vintage willow tin (in my favourite colours - spotted by Tinniegirl of course), and a cute kitty swap card.

I'll definitely be heading back for another visit!

There are some great photos over at Myrtle and Eunice (particularly demonstrating the weather)...


  1. What a fun filled day you had . Love your buys !

  2. how I would love to live in Melbourne. You guys are spoilt with all those crafters down there...

  3. oh botherations, I was so planning on going to Daylesford for the first time yesterday but was stood up by husband, didn't want to drive by myself and spent the day running kids around instead, now I even more wish I had gone and run into you and Tinnie girl and Alison and Beck and ...... Love the tin and those mirrors, bother and blast...glad you had a great time, just a tiny bit jealous.

  4. Just jealous. The picture of the jam made me crave it so badly. Pregnancy cravings shouldn't be ignored! lol

  5. Sounds like a beautiful winters day in Daylesford. great buys & love the pics.

  6. I promise I'm NOT stalking you. We didn't after all, make the Farmer's Market (we bought our fresh veg from the side of the road).

  7. Thanks so much for your lovely words and also for the absolutely gorgeous apron!!! charlotte is over the moon and has taken to wearing it around the house. It was so nice to see you yesterday at the market and guess what?? I spied that tin at the Mill Market the other day but MADE myself put it back. Maybe I had an inkling someone else needed it more than me! xox

  8. looks like a great place to go for all things crafty

  9. Your market tour sound excellent, you can really bring an atmosphere with your photos and post...Thanks for the virtual visit;)

  10. The perfect day out I'd say. Oh and how I love, love , love blackberry jam!

  11. What a wonderful way to spend some time with a friend-looks like a lovely market

  12. What a lovely day. Such goodies too!

  13. Thanks for sharing Cam, you know that I'd wanted to go. I made it to the Yarraville Market before heading off for babysitting duties.

    One of the Y'ville stall holders asked where I had gotten my bag. I said it was a 'Curly Pops'. She asked to have a closer look at the stitching and her stallholder partner said, 'I know Cam'. Sorry, but I don't remember the name of the stall, but they sold Mixtape if that helps??

    Jen in Melbourne

  14. Vegies? now that got my attention (hee hee)

  15. the pattern on the tin is really lovely :)

  16. Ohh, I wish I could have gone to the market too! I love markets like that!
    The crochet hairclip is fantastic! :)

  17. Markets are so much nicer on chilly days, I reckon. The lemon slice would have been the icing on the (ha ha) cake!

  18. The Mill Markets almost did my head in with the choice.Too much. Your tin is Fab, and the swapcard too.
    And today I found my treat in the mail. It is just so right in my kitchen. Thanks Cam, it's just what I needed.xxLiz

  19. what a wondeful day out - almost perfect I imagine - over from Katies - cheers le

  20. We stopped by the Makers' Market too, on our way to visit family - I think 'rather chilly and rainy' is a little bit too kind to the weather - it was frickin' freezing! I kept waiting for it to snow :) I'm wishing now we went to the farmer's market, that jam looks delish.

  21. It looks like you had a great day. I`m working on cushions like the belts for the sonny and coco market. I cant wait to start them tomorrow.

  22. Sounds like a great day! I love Daylesford and I love those mirrors too!

  23. It does sound like a really lovely day - and lovely purchases!

  24. Oh, it looks like a marvelous time!! I need to find a little flea market around here!

  25. Thanks for the lovely post market-wise, sorry we didn't have chance to say hello but I think I may have resembled a headless chook with all that frantic running around/facepainting/making things go as smoothly as possible! Next time?

  26. We did the same trip last Saturday. Looks like you also had a great time, with some lovely finds. I was amazed by the size of the Mill Market.


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