
Monday, June 8, 2009

Time for a winner

It's officially time to pick a winner for the Sewn giveaway.

There were 69 comments.....

.....and the winner is number 15 - Cathie from Melbourne Epicure - what a small world!

If you email me your postal address, I will pop your brooch in the mail tomorrow.
Thanks so much to everyone who entered...what fun was had.

The lurgy seems to have made an unwelcome return, so things may be a little quiet in my neck of the woods this week.


  1. Oh dear - get well soon. lots of lovely blog reading is needed I think whilst snuggled up on the sofa with a beverage of your choice!

  2. Here's some virtual hot lemon drink, and virtual chicken soup winging it's way through the ether!

    Feel better soon!

  3. Hope a decent stint of hibernation knocks the Lergy Monster for a sixer. I'm also sending you cyberspace soup. And a whole week's worth of Ivan Hutchinson's Midday Movies.

  4. Lovely brooch-hope you're feeling better soon

  5. Oh dear, hope you feel better soon. It's awful when a lurgy returns just when you think you are getting better. Take care!

  6. hope you feel better soon! take it easy

  7. oh no, hope you feel better soon...BUT... Yeaheyyyy!!
    I won your gorgeous brooch. Thanks Cam

  8. Well done Cathy!

    DO get better real quick Cam... Chicken noodle soup and bed rest.

  9. Congrats Cathie, and I hope you feel better soon. Nasty bugs!

  10. Where on earth have I been to miss this one eh? Congrats to the winner.


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