
Thursday, July 30, 2009

My creative space..... re-arranged or deranged?

So this is probably about the tenth incarnation of my creative space since I moved into my new house in March. I was lying in bed last Saturday night, dreaming about moving the furniture once again, and this is what I came up with.... (maybe I should have actually cleaned up a bit before taking a photo)?

For lots more wonderful creative spaces, head on over and visit the very lovely Kirsty!


  1. such a great space Cam I too am in the process of changing my space after only a month or so it's all upside down at the moment

  2. I'm about to change my space around too. Once I work out how to move the 95 kilo storage shelp, that is.

  3. Creative spaces don't have to look great in photos - they just have to work well for the individual who uses them. Half my bed is under my cutting table but that's no problem for me. It all works well.

  4. OK, I'm just going to say it.... cleaned up or not, I am SOOOOO jealous of your Creative Space Cam!

  5. I like it, especially with the table in the middle.

  6. I would love to know if there is a work triangle for creative spaces like there are for designing kitchens....i think having a cutting table at kitchen bench height is a good tip though. Love that beret of yours too and a perfect colour for you

  7. I think everything like this is a work in progress, but the main thing is you have good bones to work with here. Love that old table.

  8. Well me too!! I very envious of this great table in the middle;)

  9. could it be both. I looks great, the best work is done amongst chaos!

  10. Well I think it's a great area , love it !

  11. I reckon you're on the right track now with that layout. Perhaps we'll hang some pictures on Friday night and get it feeling a little more settled.

  12. Looks great to me. I've been organizing my patterns. When I finish they are not going to fit in the cabinet they've been in so I have to make some changes, too. Perhaps you could pop over to my house and help me. LOL

  13. Wow! Can't see any mess myself - all I see is a fantastic space with EVERYTHING anyone could want within fingertip range!! So envious! I run from room to room where all the different bits are here ;) K

  14. I'm constantly arranging & rearranging. It looks great Cam.

  15. It's a great and authentic creative space.

  16. You are very lucky to have it all out! My fabric trunk is a disgrace and I said to my other half yesterday, "I'm thinking of getting some shelves to store all my fabric and see it in all their colours" he looked at me and said "what? so it's out and EVERYONE can see it?" Umm, yep just because it's in the living room. I'll stop my essay now.

  17. If this is your untidy, I would hate to see the clean! It would totally shame me!! Looking good Cam, I like this layout.

  18. Oh wow I would give anything to have that much space :)

    It looks fine to me no creative person is clean 100% of the time I know I never am lol

  19. I suspect that there are those of us whose creative spaces will always be evolving... and never really be clean!

  20. Looks like you have lots and lots of goodies to play with! I'm curious to what it all is - hehe! :)
    Looking good!

  21. Glad I am not the only one who dreams of moving furniture around. Lovely to have so much space. The island bench looks really useful!

  22. Looks like a great space. I love rearranging furniture.

  23. Certainly not deranged! I bet you will change it again - it may not be for a month or two or even a year, but it will happen, if my house is anything to go by. But you know, as they say, a change is as good as a holiday! (you must have had a great holiday already!)

  24. I love that dark brown desk :D I wish my space was this tidy lol

  25. Thanks for sharing! Its always interesting looking at other people's creative spaces isn't it? Looks like you have everything right at your fingertips.

  26. Apparently it takes a certain personality type to be addicted to reincarnating spaces (join my club)...

  27. Ha! I love that you can't sleep because you are thinking about your creative space! I have been thinking about all my UFO's and that has been keeping me up at night! :)

    New space working better?

  28. I have a bad case of the green-eyed-monsters right now. Must. Get. Bigger. House!

  29. Yes I am full of envy too...What a great space you have...I get an oversized closet lol..

  30. Fantastic space, I would love to have that much room, but I expect I would still be found in the dining room where most things happen in our house.

  31. We are currently rearranging our workspace, but I'm just not brave enough to photograph it yet.

  32. It looks quite functional, and very busy--the best way to be!

  33. I adore the book case with the colored baskets that just all happen to me my favourite colour combination :)


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