
Saturday, July 18, 2009


I've been slowly finishing off projects that have been sitting around for a while....

I get really inspired and start off like a bull at a gate.... and then I get bored and add things to the WIP pile (sometimes never to be seen again). But, I decided that yesterday was the day to try to finish off some of the WIPs

My older sister wanted one too, once she'd seen the handbag that I'd made for my younger sister.

So this is hers - finally finished after sitting in the WIP pile for a couple of weeks. Chunky black corduroy teamed with a panel of Ume Komachi.

Now, what to make today?


  1. Gasp! I love this one! I can totally relate to the Bull at a gate getting bored analogy here! Good luck finishing your WIP's.

  2. Ooh, nice Japanese fabric. It seems your "to do" list is getting shorter faster than mine is.

  3. mmmm, noice! Bloody sisters! haha.

  4. Oh my buttons... Love corduroy... It's awesome!!

    xo Steph

  5. I am so a bull at the gate also. So don't feel to bad about it,we slways eventually get around to finishing things.

  6. such a gorgeous bag Cam. I know the feeling I am exactly the same and this week worked on finishing off some projects, it feels good

  7. Wow, the bag is total gorgeousness! I love the panel mixed with the black! Good eye there, lady!

  8. this is fab!!! are you going to sell some??? i'd love to have one!!!

  9. Hi Jane,
    Yes I'm going to make some for the shop...I just need to stop procrastinating and reading blogs!

  10. Lovely bag and lucky sisters! I understand your bull/gate dilema. Lately though I am just a bull who hasn't even reached the gate! Bit unproductive really. Anyway, glad someone is!! xox

  11. Thanks
    I do love my bag and am planning it's debut next Friday night !
    Big Sis xx

  12. I am still laughing at the expression you used...The Aussie language is so full of pictures!!;)))Your sister bag is beautiful, love the fabrics combination.

  13. What a great bag. I love the fabric! I bet your sister will be thrilled when she sees it!

  14. If you think that all those projects are in your..."Waiting Incredibly Patiently" pile, you might not feel so bad when they take longer than planned to finish!!

    Your bag is gorgeous... Love the Ume Komachi fabric. I'm sure your sister will think it was worth the wait.

  15. um make a bag for yourself?

    My WIP pile must be breeding as everyday its bigger :p

  16. I really like the black and red together

  17. Love this colour...
    adore it!!!
    and can't get enough of the corduroy...
    the red fabric goes really well with it...

  18. Definitely worth waiting for, the red fabric looks fabulous against the black corduroy.
    I do love Nikki's WIP explanation.

  19. a great find for panda fanatic!
    my roommate and i LOVE this bag


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