
Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Good News

Even when the market is a fizzer, there's always some good news....

Please excuse the blurry photos - my battery was dying

  • I had a lovely day drinking coffee and eating muffins and chatting with Annmarie (above) and Cathie (below), and we also had visits from Bec, Cathy, and Jay
  • I don't have to stress about making stock for the next Thornbury Market on Sept 5th.
  • I can load some stock into my very neglected CurlyPops Shop
  • Now I have time to hem my new curtains before they're hung next Sunday.

Hmmm time for a cup of tea and a lovely Melbourne Epicure muffin that I bought home yesterday....


  1. That's always the plus to not selling stuff at a market - you get a few weeks off!

  2. Sorry to hear that the day was a fizzer :( At least you can relax for the next two weeks for Thornbury Market.

  3. Oh markets can be so fickle some days... never take it to heart - as you clearly are not!!
    yay to being stocked up for the next market.

    btw your stall looks great! I would have visited you too if I was in the same state :)


  4. Oh, did you sell anything? As in ANY thing? Hope so!I was a wierd market, we'll leave it at that! But lots of visitors is good, we loked something different to do, haven't been in the city for ages!

  5. great chatting with you Cam, we will note the experience as an adventure! at least the customers were friendly.
    Amelie LOVED her special hat, thank you VERY, VERY much :)

  6. At least you can see an upside. That's great.

    Enjoy your cuppa and some time to relax.

  7. There's an upside to just have to look for it, and sometimes it's harder to find than others.

  8. What a shame , your new bags look great. At least you had great visitors.

  9. Markets can be so unpredictables...I am admirative on how you seem to take it!Enjoy a bit of relax time before your next one xx

  10. I love your ability to see the sunny side! :o) I think retail, market or otherwise, is a bit slow at the moment. Maybe the change in seasons? Or maybe it's just so incredibly windy at the moment that no one wants to go out in it!

  11. Good always comes out of bad. How did the green bag go?!?! I like the understated Curly Pops market stall. Lisa.

  12. It's great you are so positve and just enjoyed the day, no point stressing about it! Your stall looks great and your bags are beautiful!

  13. I like your thinking. But also hope that Made in Thornbury sends you into a spin with all the bizzy!

  14. Oh no sorry to hear it was a fizza, but I too like your thinking!

    Can't wait to see some new stock in your shop :)

  15. Enjoy your Break & Look Forward to the Next One.

  16. Markets are always unpredictable from my experience, but isn't it a relief to have the stock built up! I always seem in stress mode before a market so it's always nice to breathe a sigh of relief...

  17. Yep, been there... Its really a shame when the vibe is there and even the people are there, but they're just not buying!! I'm hoping the warm weather improves things.... Hope Thornbury is super busy for you!!


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