
Friday, August 21, 2009

Handbagging it up

It's the last day before my next market stall, and it's been a little while since the last one...

I've been toiling away in my little sweat shop whipping up some new bags to take along, and listening to my new favourite CD. Of course, there's been the normal bouts of complete procrastination, and lots of cups of teaand chocolate for sustenance (and I may even admit to a little op shopping excursion - I was having serious rummaging withdrawals).

I had to take poor old Frances outside into the cold for a photo shoot (sorry about the completely uninspiring background, but I had the choice of bricks or a colourbond fence.... or we could have played in the jungle of weeds that are currently inhabiting the patch of dirt which is supposed to be my backyard).

So I now have lots of new handbags and lots of new brooches to take along with me.

If you're looking for something to do on Saturday (22nd August), then come and visit the market at:

Queen Victoria Womens Centre
210 Lonsdale Street

Market will be open from 10.00 AM - 3.30 PM

Annmarie from Crafty Girl with Ruffle will be sharing a stall with me, and Cathie from Melbourne Epicure will be providing sustenance with delicious breads, cupcakes, and biccies (must remember 4 gingerbread men for my nephews).

I still have a few things left on my to do list today:

Organise change
Find tablecloths
Make pricetags and pricelist
Print order forms / receipts
Pack car
Early night!


  1. Absolutely divine, I only wish Melbourne wasn't such a lengthy drive because I have a bag obsession! lol Beautiful! Enjoy the market!! M xox

  2. These are all divine. I think bdtween you and dorothybills I have lost my mojo. You both have such natural talent with using vintage that I know there is no chance for me. You always amaze me with the new ideas you come up. Cherrie

  3. Frances has done a great job showing off your bags , two clever girls !

  4. All the best for your market tomorrow. Not sure if I will make it in there, but if I don't have lots of fun and sell lots!

  5. You don't need a market tomorrow Cam... you need a holiday! Your range of bags is great. I especially love the red and white one. Hope tomorrow is a great day and a successful one for you.

  6. you are so organized! they look fantastic, I especially like the red one aswell. I need to start baking...soon!! spoke to the woman organising it the other day and she said they have alot more ladies booked for tours. should be a good day. see you tomorrow :)

  7. Those bags are gorgeous - you have been busy!


  8. Have a fab day marketting tomorrow :) Your stall should do well, with all those stylish bags.

  9. I want to go clothes shopping to match a bag! Thats how I feel when I look at your great bags!
    (also because I eat to much chocolate I cant fit in to any of lAST YEARS CLOTHES!ssssshhhhh !

  10. I really like the green bag. The CD looks good. I hope you have better weather tomorrow than what we are getting today.

  11. ooh I think the orange one is my favourite! Will you be making another of it?

  12. I think I should have enough kitchen curtain left for another orange one (that's my favourite too)!

  13. Wow you have been a busy bee or what!!!!And you keep posting at the same time!!Are you real??;)I know you are and have a wonderful time at the market and hopefully come back very light!;)

  14. Your tote bags are divine! I am secretly glad I am not the only one that suffers from bouts of procrastination! Good luck with the market stall, I am certain you will sell lots!
    I wish I lived in Melbourne so I could visit the market!

  15. the bags are so fab! hope the stall goes just smashingly! :0)

  16. mmm, think I need one of your bags. I don't get any sewing time for me now I'm making for narket! Going to try and pop in after swimming lessons, see you there yogi bear!

  17. The bags look lovely, all of them! I'm sure you have a good day at the market.

  18. Your Bags look Fab.!! You have been busy...have a Great Day at the Market...wish I were closer I would come & visit...

  19. Really beautiful bags. Those fabrics are delicious!

  20. I love that green bag :D the fabric is perfect

  21. Good luck at the market Cam. I love that green bag

  22. I don't do green but that bag has me hooked. Will there be any more in that range? Hope the market is whizz bang. Lisa.

  23. Happy Market day! Such a great range of bags that will surely sell like hotcakes :)

  24. Oh wow those bags will be a HIT! Can't wait to hear how it all goes :)

  25. Wow you have been working! Loving the new bags Cam - still trying to ponder precisely what it is about them that screams CurlyPops! (Thinking again, it might be the more colourful ones that scream the loudest)...

  26. Hey Cam, I had a quick look at your new favourite CD and the best cover of all time is on there.. .the cover of Miss Jackson , which is even better than the original. Thanks for the tip.. am going to have to get myself a copy of this CD.

  27. Hi Cam, have you sold that second bag yet? I SO want to buy it! Please let me know. :)
    xxxxx steph


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