
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Another market wrap

Well it was another lovely day at the Made'n'Thornbury market yesterday. I only managed to take a couple of happy snaps before my camera started beeping to let me know that my battery was flat...drats!

Looking at the photo, I can now see that I had far too much stock on my table - a good lesson for the next one.

It's always great to meet up with the rest of the stallholders for a chat, and we also had lots of other lovely visitors come to say hello too.

We missed Cathie.... we were dreaming of her red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting all afternoon.

I've spent all day today sitting on the couch eating (tim tams, vegemite toast, and cupcakes) and drinking cups of tea, and generally just veging out which has been wonderful.

Hmmm I think I have just enough time for one more tim tam without spoiling my dinner!


  1. Your stall looks great! Do most people upt a bit out and restock as things sell? (just getting tips for if I ever do a stall *dream dream*). I love your stuff!

  2. your pics look great! I have been waiting all day for your market update :) missed being there and seeing all you gorgeous ladies. hope it was a fantastic day for you & Cathy. hope to see you at the northside makers uniting church market. ♥

  3. Just as I suspected, those two pics were all you needed!!

    Jen in Melbourne

  4. Sigh. You got all my favourite people as visitors, too! And sold stuff.

  5. Wow! Looks great. I hope you did well and sold lots of your pretties!

  6. The store looks great. Apologies I didn't come and introduce myself, little shy. I was a little overwhelmed seeing it was my first time being a stallholder. Maybe next time I will say hello.
    Beky :-)

  7. I loved your Brooch Stand, so stylish! And I was going to come back to get one of your crochet brooches, but ran out of time ... perhaps at the next market!

  8. there is always room for another tim-tam ;-)

  9. Firstly, Trashalou said it all, secondly, I reckon that too much/not enough stock on table thing, must be a fine balancing act requiring extra sensory perception.

  10. The brooch stand is great - shows them off very clearly! Hope it was a successful day. :D

  11. It was a lovely day. Thanks for being a great neighbour.

  12. Looks like that is a great market. I will have to try and catch the next one.

  13. It was an amazing day and such beautiful weather. I love that market and can't wait for the next one

  14. Only you noticed that there was too much on the stall. Looks great to me. What a great afternoon. Lisa.

  15. yes a bit too much on the table but its really colourful which makes a huge difference and catches people's eyes :D

  16. Amount of stock on display is a bit of a mystery for me...I thought you did well with the way you use different levels as your brooches really stand out?You find too much on the table turn people down???Enjoy your extra Timtam well deserved!

  17. Sounds like a lovely market day!

  18. Your Stall looks Fantastic!
    Have you even been down to the Chelsea Craft Market???

  19. Yum, pass another Tim Tam. Your stall looks inviting.

  20. I think your stall looks great! Hope you sold lots. When is the next market? Hope to get to that one xo

  21. Looks fabulous to me but the tim tams... yummo and cupcakes - were you in heaven or just at home... LOL


  22. You had a great stall, and it sounds like it was a lot of fun

  23. I'm glad you had a lovely day! Hope there were lots of sales too.

  24. It looks great, wish I lived closer!


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