
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A reveal

After receiving my gorgeous washcloth and handmade soap from Annmarie a couple of weeks ago, I just had to put in a request for some more goodies for my mums birthday last week.

I love how the variegated yarn gives a completely different look.... and they're so soft and beautiful.

My mum loved them and that was the most important thing!


  1. A lovely gift - the soaps are so pretty and delicate.

  2. The washcloths are so beautiful. I wish I had that pattern. Happy birthday to your mum.

  3. They just ooze smoothness!! Normal soap is so yuck and dries the skin!! I need to get some knitted wash clothes now!! hehe

    xo Steph

  4. What a lovely gift. I love handmade presents.

  5. Love the soaps - when I was young I collected little soaps. Well I didn't collect so much as hoard all the little ones I was given.

  6. Those soaps are amazing - I used to collect soaps as a little girl... but not as nice as these!

  7. I'm even coming around to soap-on-a-rope. I have absolutely no doubt your Mum loved 'em!

  8. Wow, those moulded soaps are beautiful. I think soap makes such a nice gift. I'm a big fan.


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