
Thursday, September 17, 2009

My creative space

There's nothing creative going on today, so instead, I'm sharing some last minute pics of my quilt project square.

A huge thanks to each and every person who left me a message yesterday. I don't usually share things of a very personal nature on the blog, but sharing certainly made me feel better.

I ended up spending a couple of hours on the couch, finishing off the last minute details, adding some special bling.

I think that the thing that I've loved the most about this project, is that I haven't had to specifically buy anything. Every single thing I've used was already in the stash - red fabric paint, red cotton, red floss, red snaps, red sequins, dismembered crochet tablecloths, and I've even used the red string that Kirsty had tied around the original envelope.... waste not want not.

Now the time has come to pack it all up and send it on a journey to a new destination. I can't wait to see how the story ends......

Be sure to check out all the creative spaces and the quilt project over at Kootoyoo.


  1. Very nice Cam, can not wait to see how it all goes together;)

  2. A connection between life and your ferris wheel Cam... both with highs and lows as they keep going.

    Your ferris wheel is beautiful and how great that you made it from things you already had.

  3. Your quilt is looking fantastic. I love the fact that you have used what you already had. Love the red colours too.

    Glad your feeling a bit better.

  4. Perfection!!! I love looking at it...

  5. I am very excited about seeing this your work in the final piece. Nice one. The doilies give such a dramatic effect. brilliant!

  6. Another lovely quilt piece, I'm really looking forward to seeing all the pieces together.

  7. Beautiful red crafting. Your block looks amazing. TFS. Anita. x

  8. It looks great - I love the bling! Fancy already having red sequins in your collection. You've inspired me to get some sequins too when I get a chance, I'd never considered it before but now I have a whole bunch of new ideas!

  9. I like your new header!!!
    new header ,new beginning?
    love the quilt. Hope you are feeling better today.

  10. Looking forward very much to standing back and having an all over look at your square - and all the squares put together for that matter.

    So sorry to read your last post :(. Life just sucks sometimes doesn't it? I have a friend dying of a brain tumour and we were discussing that despite it being unfair, fair doesn't really have anything to do with it. We are each dealt a hand of cards, and the bits we don't like we just have to 'suck up' (her words not mine!). Needless to say there's a bit of 'sucking it up' going on over here, and I expect over your way too. Wish that it made us feel better though :( .

    Thinking of you Cam. XXOO

    PS. My word verification is 'restoris' - can't help but see RESTORE in there. That is my wish for your heart. Not just a patch up job, but full restoration.

  11. The decorative red features look absolutely stella.

    I hope today is a better day for you. :)

  12. You should name your square after a desert!! It looks so yummy!!

  13. not far to go now,hope to da is a better da for you

  14. Cam your square is GORGEOUS and I love love love your new banner xx

  15. Looks gorgeous Cam! and your photos are fabulous ♥

  16. Great banner, and Im loving the wheel...the lights...very creative.

  17. Your square looks great. I agree, it is extra special because it is made from stuff you already had.

  18. I love what your quilt block represents, and the whole want vs waste thing. Well done, it's a great ride!

  19. amazing job. cant wait to see it in the destination spot

  20. It looks amazing. The quilt is going to be fabulous. Love the way you used all the bits and pieces.
    Hope today dawned as a good day for you too!

  21. I'm another who CANNOT wait to see this finished quilt. Beautiful work - and dontcha just love completing a whole project from the stash :)
    We cannot appreciate the beautiful moments in life without viewing the not so pretty parts as well I guess...but, that being said, it sucks to have a broken heart:( I hope you find healing and renewal soon.((((((HUGS)))))

  22. Thanks for taking us along with you on the highs and the lows. You never fail to amaze Cam. I love your square. It really represents what this project seems to be about. I can't wait to see them all together too! :)

  23. It looks gorgeous Cam. Can't wait to see the full reveal.

  24. I think your square looks fabulous - nice and bright, very enjoyable :)

  25. It looks lovely! Love the bling too. Can't wait to see this quilt!!

  26. This is looking super duper fantastic!

  27. That is looking fabulous and even better for the fact that it's stuff you've had around. Can't wait to see it finished!

  28. Well done, Cam. The bling is fab. I think I'm going to have to borrow that notion!

  29. it's look stunning Cam, absolutely stunning!! You really make such beautiful things.

  30. Love your square, love your new banner, nice work!

  31. great that you used things you already had :)

    I am really looking forward to seeing everyone's pieces together and this will look great

  32. I love your square because not only does it look lovely but you used up stuff around you. I like that.

  33. Your redwork is fabulous. I love the red doilies.

  34. That's a magnificent red!

    Oh I hate to say it but I know from experience that a year is a short time for a broken heart. Time is the glue ...time, sometimes a 4-letter word. Hugs xoxo


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