
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Still broken

One year ago today.
My heart is still broken.
I don't think it will ever mend.
Even with super strong craft glue.


  1. It sure is a raw deal but it does soften with the years. By about 3 years you may even get to be thankful. Obviously he wasn't worthy of you. Cherrie

  2. You're a shining light in this blog world - I hope things get better for you soon :) Everything is possible x

  3. Some things happen and they will never be the same and sometimes that is ok too and you can learn to love the new you - thats how I felt after a while, but I don't think you can force yourself into a feeling - it will come when it is ready

  4. hang in there - we all love you from blogland! Sending a big hug to you.

  5. Lots of I LOVE your new banner. XX

  6. It will one day sweetie. When you least expect it to :)

    Selina xx

  7. Sending you happy thoughts and extra strong glue xxx

  8. Sending hugs and thinking of you today xo

  9. Never underestimate the power of super strong craft glue. Or time and space. And a whole lot of friends and bloggy love. You are, afterall, SuperPops! x

  10. It's a rough time-- you know in some ways your heart never forgets even when you have moved on. They always say "it makes you stronger" but sometimes it feels like you could do without that particular strength. Either way, hang in there, lots of hugs from me!

  11. Your hearts have changed from one year ago, I find them even more beautiful...I beleive your hearts are filled with lots of love we can tell...A heart without a feeling is not a heart, I wish hearts would never ache...(hug)xx

  12. We're all thinking of you and sending you our best wishes. :)

  13. Hugs!!!

    Just think when Colin Firth happens to run into you in the quaint little cafe and just can't keep his eye's off you, you can say quiet freely...
    "Why Colin I would love to have dinner with you"...

    Cam...You make us smile!!!

  14. hey Ms Superpops, hope these beautiful comments have helped a teeeny weeny bit. more { hugs } ♥

  15. Brave heart. I send virtual good vibes to you.
    Love the new banner.

  16. For some reason, no matter how I try, blogger won't let me leave a comment. This is attempt number 3.

    Anyway, I'm going to try saying it one more time. You should have told me and I would have taken you out for a girls lunch. And I would have bought you a tub of my favourite Golden gel medium!

    OK, pressing post NOW.

    Word verification: swore

  17. Hugs to you dear Curlypops. Got no words for you but I understand. xxxxx

  18. Cam, those felt hearts are beautiful ... like you. I hope one day you chance upon the right craft glue.

    Liesl x

  19. Lets hope you can find something stronger than glue to mend it with then. xxxx

  20. It must be seriously broken if craft glue cant fix it. :) All you can do is get through one day at a time. If it helps at all I think you are brilliant and anyone would be lucky to snap you up! Your blog is part of my daily life and you are an inspiration to so many- hence the many comments.
    You're one of the good eggs!! Hope you feel better soon xxx

  21. I am so sorry to hear you are feeling heart broken. I don't know the details but I can imagine what you are feeling.
    You know when someone is injured and they feel discomfort when the body is healing itself? Maybe that is happening... your heart is hurting because it is healing.
    Hugs to you Curly Pops. And remember to treat yourself.

  22. So sorry you are still hurting. It is never easy to lose someone no matter the reason. Hugs and Best Wishes

  23. Sorry I was asking questions about it the other day, but it helped me understand when I read this post:( It's awesome knowing such a strong amazing woman as you, my chillout buddy!!

  24. Oh.

    Even if we want to look backwards we can only ever move forwards. One step. One day.

  25. I feel it's perfectly natural, perfectly human, to feel sadness on anniversaries of broken hearts...

    Sending Extra-BIG and Extra-KIND hugs to you today Cam.


  26. Hey, let me know if I can do anything to help out!

  27. So sorry to see you are feeling broken hearted. Anniversaries of heart break are truly like bumping a scar. It hurts! I hope you find peace soon. xx

  28. Sorry to see you are hurting :( Thinking of you & sending you big cyber hugs <3

  29. I don't know exactly what broke you heart, but I wish you all the strength you need. *hug*

  30. May that heart heal, you cause so many so much happiness in the blogging world and i am sure even more in the real

  31. sending Universe Juice your way!! Hope it works better than craft glue!!

    kisses and hugs Steph

  32. The first anniversary, the first Christmas, the first everything is worst. You will be facing the second spring, Christmas etc. from now on. The broken heart may never mend perfectly, but mend it with pretty stitches and you can carry the scar with pride.

  33. :( *hugs*

    hmm try carpenters glue, it sticks to anything ;)

  34. Big hug here too Cam. Take care of yourself and that tender heart. You know you are a wonderful woman.

  35. I'd lend you my super strong glue, but it might make a mess. Nurse that broken bit of heart, It has the power to mend it's self with out glue. In the mean time, take care. You are ACE. xLiz

  36. we are nursing my 27 yo daughter through a broken heart and i just keep telling her that it is another bend in the road and there is soething way better around one of the corners. i know this to be true because she deserves it, as i am sure you do. hope you are feeling better soon

  37. My Mother once shared these words once with me...

    "Don't be sad of what has ended. Be sad of what could of started that you never gave a go."

  38. Take care and look after yourself-big hug

  39. I am sending you hugs and all good wishes all the way from the UK. You are a lovely lass with such a big heart, stay strong. And onwards......

  40. Sending you a HUGE hug and lots of good vibes!

    Your heart will mend in time and you'll be a better person for all your experiences.

  41. No words of wisdom from me I'm afraid.....
    My heart has been broken twice now and it is not just the heart that hurts, it's all the dreams that went along with it that got broken too.
    It's probably considered a bit traditional now, but I had wanted to get married and have a family, nothing fancy just a simple, happy plan. I'm a bit old for both now, so I am trying to work out a different dream and plan for my life.

    Sorry I took so long to comment, I've been in a bit of a patch myself lately that I just needed to nurse myself through.

    See you at Northside Makers :)

    Jen in Melbourne


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