
Monday, October 12, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day 12: The SuperPops Challenge

Since the Loz and Dinny Challenge, SuperPops seems to have taken on a life of her own, and so she now desperately needs your help!

Your challenge Dear Blogtoberfesters, is to use any medium that you prefer to create a character, cartoon, caricature, comic strip, softie, drawing, sketch, painting, collage, plasticine/playdough figure, etc of SuperPops.

This challenge is all about having a bit of fun and trying something new. You can even get the kiddies involved.

The rules of the challenge are:

  • Sign up below if you would like to play along.
  • You have until 12.PM (Melbourne time) on the 31st October to complete the challenge.
  • On the 31st October, take photos of your stunning creation and post them on your own blog.
  • Once posted - head back over to my 31st October post (where you will find Mr Linky), and copy and paste your link so that I know you're finished.
  • So that there is no bias involved, I will get my nephews to choose their favourite entry.
This is my effort - black fineliner and texta on sketchbook paper

The winner will receive:
  • Glory
  • Praise
  • Chocolate
  • A CurlyPops Flower Brooch in a colour of your choice
  • Fabric and some other crafty bits and bobs
If you would like to add the marvellous SuperPops Challenge button courtesy of the lovely Tania from Myrtle and Eunice, here is the code:

<a href=""><img src=""/></a>

Thanks to Gemma for the challenge inspiration!


  1. Dunno if I'm eligible as I'm not blogtoberfesting, but I don't mind, I'll still make a superpops even if i'm not in the comp :D

  2. Super cool idea!! I will have to get my thinking cap on and come up with something for you - how fun!

  3. I’m in. A chance to win a Curly Pops brooch – how could you pass that up?? What a fun challenge.

  4. Great challenge everyone, the possibilities are endless.

  5. I would so love to join in just for the chocolate but my drawings skills are no where near my sewing ones so I will give it a miss. I am sure that we shall see some absolutely amazing versions though. BTW You're looking great in your market photo. Cherrie PS Word verification is 'sherk' and that is what I am doing this time.

  6. With so many talented people taking part this is sure to be a great challenge for me.

  7. Oh this is the coolest Cam. I'm in!!

  8. Count me in!!!!! Hmm.....I have an idea already!

    Marlya x

  9. Brilliant idea!

    Also, the costume's awesome! You look so cute in it. ^_^

    Glad I'm not the only one posting pictures of myself playing dress-ups on the internet...

  10. I am joining the fun. I can feel my superpowers coming on already

  11. Can I join in too? Altho I'm not Blogtoberfesting either? I'd really like to be in it for the chocolate. Totally.

  12. Cool, count me in, I have an idea ticking away right now! Hmmm.... :)

  13. Ooh a challenge....I love it. I'm going to give it a go, even if I have to use the help of my nearly 2 year old nephew. It's all about fun after all, isn't it?

  14. Oooh - how much fun! I'd love to join in.

    (You do know I am going to add the tassles back in don't you? Bwahhhaahaaahaaaa!)

  15. this sounds like great fun...count me in

  16. Bugger! My bestest pen for drawing superheroes has just died. Am off to shops to purchase another!

  17. Cam, I love your kind of silly! I'll see if I can't be back to sign my name on the dotted line...

  18. I did it! I did it! I already finished my little piece, and I am so excited I can hardly wait to post my piece on the 31st. Is it alright if I post now?

  19. Well I do like a challenge and I do like SuperPops!!

    My kids will love it all the way!!

    xo Steph

  20. OK, I'm in - been dithering for a while as I had an idea and wasn't quite sure how to work it! I'm still not sure but the challenge has been sitting at the back of my mind and _nagging_ at me so I shall clearly have to have a go...

  21. awesome challenge and i am game... i am going to work on it tomorrow - too late to start tonight here 11:30pm sat. i hope i win i want a flower!

  22. Just posted our entry on my blog Great idea for a giveaway, thanks :)


    here is my entry, hope they like it!

  24. I have just posted my entry on my blog--

    It was so much fun!!

    Marlya xx

  25. I just added my SuperPops entry to my blog....

    She was a lot of fun to create. I hope you like her!

  26. I finally linked my entry. She makes ME

    - angie "stumptious"

    you can view my entry here:


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