
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day 13: Moo Moo's new Throne

I was heading home one day last week and I popped into Vinnies at Altona on the way. I found this fabulous kids cane chair for a whole $5! I knew that Moo Moo would love it, and it was the perfect size for him.

Bargain - definitely
Comfortable - maybe not

So on Sunday, I whipped up a quick padded seat cushion.

I used the leftovers of the Moo Cow print from Nikki, and some upholstery remnants for the front and back, and I sandwiched a really thick fleecy remnant in the middle for cushioning.
The ties are just leftover bits of bias binding that have been laying around in the stash.

Moo was supposed to be having an afternoon nap, so the twins tested it out - first up was Zane

Then one sock Noah

Until a cheeky little monkey who was supposed to be asleep suddenly appeared...

I think he likes it!


  1. Great chair - what a bargain! I love the photos ... especially of the cute roadtesters. I think Noah should be wearing a t-shirt that says My brother got to to try out a new chair, but they put me under this coffee table.

  2. That chair is fantastic - serious bargain, well done. I love their star outfits - did you make those too?

  3. Great bargain.... and adorable pictures!!

  4. Well spotted, Cam!
    The littlies always love to have their OWN chair.

  5. What a bargain. Love cane chairs. Guess what my new sewing machine is called......Sandy! Your brilliant!

  6. Great idea Cam! And who doesn't love a bargain like this? I snaffled a little side table for $3.50 yesterday to turn into a bedside table. I love, love, love op shops that are happy to sell more for less. These new fangled op shops where t-shirts are $10 really give me the pip. The boys sure look happy with that chair! Aren't they cuties? xo

  7. The chair is a fantastic find. Well done.

  8. Now of course you just need to find another two to stop the in-house fighting! Love op shop bargains.

  9. Great chair and fantastic idea for the cushion! Are you sure there aren't going to be any fights?! :)

  10. Great chair and yes, an absolute bargain. Perhaps you needed 3 of them?

  11. They all look so happy with it! What a great aunt you are!

  12. that looks so much better and a lot more comfortable :D

  13. I knew you'd put that fabric to good use!!! Looks like it's a hit!

  14. I have two adult sized chairs exactly the same as yours. They belonged to my grandparents who I believe bought them some time in the 1950s.
    I've been told that they have some value (not sure how much, but some!).
    You may have got a serious bargain there, Cam!


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