Friday, October 2, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day 2: Tips and a Giveaway

Crikey! What an amazing response to Blogtoberfest this year. I'm super excited about the number of bloggers who have signed up to play along. I'm going to try to get around to visit everyone by the end of the month.

Firslty, I need your help dear Blogtoberfesters....

Just to make things easier with the Giveaway Loot List, please use the following tips:

  • Post your giveaway on your blog - be sure to include an end date
  • Email me the link to your post and include the end date - mscurlypops (at) gmail (dot) com
  • Please specify somewhere within your post whether you are happy to post overseas or not (it gets expensive with heavy items).
  • I will endeavour to update the list twice a day - unless I get hit by a giant stein full of cold beer.
Now to the fun stuff - I'm going to have a giveaway each Friday of Blogtoberfest. There are no rules to my giveaway. If you'd like to win the prize just leave me a comment (Pick Me will do).

I will draw the winner at 8.30 PM Melbourne time next Thursday night 8th Blogtober.

You can win this lovely vintage embroidery book which has lots of stitching tips and techniques, projects, and patterns. I seem to keep collecting embroidery books but I never embroider anything so I think I should share them with someone who will actually use them.

I'll also include some vintage fat quarters and some chocolate.

I'll post this to anywhere in the world so Happy Blogtoberfesting!


bubbachenille said...

Being the first to comment is a no no but here goes anyway ! Pick me please !

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogtoberfest

Christina Lowry said...

Craft book, fabric and chocolate?




Car said...

If I win, can you send me the beer instead... after the morning, I am in definate need of one (or three!)

And some chocolate wouldn't go astray either ;)

MooBear Designs said...

Pick Me!! No actually PICK MOO!! She is the one who is embroidering and hogging our only hoop!! hehe

xo Steph

Cathie said...

you are indeed one busy lady! goodluck with it all.

anna said...

Oooh there's chocolate? pick me!

Sayraphim said...

OOO! What an awesome craft book! I'm such a fan of vintage craft books, I love the illustrations and the old crafts. Plus fat quarters and chocolate? I'm SO in! Thank you!

Lisa said...

Pick Me, Pick Me, Pick Me.

Jules@MoonCatFarms said...

What a great giveaway! Chocolate, fabric, and fibre!!! Please enter me and then pick me, pick me..

Thanks. :)

Cath @ chunkychooky said...

I just started embroidering so this would be so much fun!

Selina said...

ohhh, nice!!

and you really must look out for those giant beer steins, you never know when they might strike ;)

Jan said...

Me! Me! Me, please

Christy said...

I would love to win that gorgeous item! Pick me, pick me please!

P.S. Check out the giveaway in my blog too.

Tania said...

I'm sorry, did you say VINTAGE EMBROIDERY BOOK? Love it. Also the fat quarter notion. Not to mention the chocolate. Obviously. Very generous of you indeedy Ms Pops!

M* (Melanie) said...

wunderbar! pick me please with a cherry on top

daylesford organics said...

Pick me please.

A Life So Peachy said...

oh YES PLEASE!!!!!!!

Weza said...

Pick me, that looks very cute. Glad to be on board with Blogtober. Fun fun fun

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

You're a superstar, that's what you are! I'll take a vintage embroidery book off your hands my friend.

DELiciousDesignz said...

My Mum would love that book -

Sandra @ Pepperberry & Co. said...

It definitely is all a-happenin' at Blogtoberfest!! I've just signed up and am so excited :-)

Now, I recently fell in love with embroidery when I interviewed the gorgeous Eva from Apple & Eve for my Tuesday Tales. I had no idea it could be so beautiful! Since then I've been playing around with it a bit, but I'm still at the basic-back-stitch-in-a-crooked-line level :-)

The point is, this book would be a perfect kick-start to my new embroidery hobby! So pretty please, pick me :-) You can eve have the very first thing I embroider :-)

xxx Sandra

P.S. Thanks for co-organising Blogtober- it's great fun!

Beck said...

Yes, me! Pick me!

Carol R said...

OK pick me!

Bec Clarke said...

May I please be included.

Cherry said...

Blogtoberfest! I'm in!

Swirlyarts said...

Oooooh books! I would love to be considered even though I have many embroidery books of my own :)

Sarah said...

Yes Please - Pick Me !!!!

Miss Silver Spoon Vintage said...

Oh me please! If it involves crafting and chocolate I'm in!

Karin van Dam said...

Happy blogtoberfest! And what a party it is. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

Melanie said...

PICK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! um please :)

Michelle said...

I'm in it for the chocolates...

Mookah Studio said...

My craftiness skills don't extend to embroidery, so I won't enter this week - I'll hold out til next Friday!!!

Gypsy said...

Oh Blogtober is becoming more like Christmas everyday! Loving it! I was so excited to see an EMBROIDERY BOOK giveaway :o !!! I desperately want to learn to embroider, I've been admiring all the redwork for The Quilt Project, and am tingling with inspiration. Then when I saw CHOCOLATE as well, I just knew this was the one for me!!! Pick me Pick me!!! Thanks for the lovely giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

Embroidery book would be great.....but it's the chocolate that really sold me!

Muriel said...

A give-away is fun! Thanks! Oh, and pick me! Please?

elizabeth said...

oh! i am in love!
fabric, an embroidery book, and chocolate!
my fingers are SO crossed over here! :)

Mel Makes Pretty said...

I have never won a giveaway, hopefully, I maight get lucky this time?

Jennifer Rose said...

that is a gorgeous cover :D

sewing the seeds of love said...

after completing my first stitchery with my block for the quilt project I am now a bit hooked on embroidery ! Would love to win this book...not to mention the fabric and choccy !
P I C K M E !!!!!

LemonyRenee' said...

Pick me, OR someone at least come to my blog! I'll be happy with that!!

humel said...

Fab giveaway, thanks - great book, lovely fabric, and to cap it all - chocolate?! Thanks for the chance to win :-)

viridian said...

Oh oh! Pick me!!! I embroider crazy quilts.

viridain61 at

Judy said...

What a great idea for a giveaway! Pick me!!!

Janice said...

I'd love to be the winner as I've just been playing with some new embroidery stitches.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win too....

Princess kirstie jane said...

I embroider and eat chocolate and am a little vintage so pick me please. :)

Anonymous said...

I would love all those prizes!! thanks for the chance! anne molino at hotmail dot com

Grace Wong said...

Yay! Pick me, I love embroidery!

Anonymous said...

wonderful giveaway Cam!!!

RedCaboose said...

Oooo please pick me!
I LOVE giveaways!!!!

Oh yeah! I'm also planning on being a part of Blogtoberfest.

Chont said...

Count me in too, please.

Tracey@bountifully said...

love your new banner! Happy Blogtoberfest, would love to win

Taccolina said...

Oh YEAH, we love the embroidery vibe...

carmel said...

the embroidery book looks great
thanks for this giveaway
i just became a follower to


Austysmum said...

Or you could pick me ;)

Alissa said...

Great blog :) Love blogtober fest!

midge said...

happy blogtoberfest and i would love for you to pick me

Shirley said...

Love your site. I'm so glad I joined Blogtoberfest. Your decorating ideas are lovely, I especially love the fire screen. Put me down to pick me too please.

Ange said...

I'd love your giveaway, and happy blogtoberfest tidings, by the way ...

Sandi said...

Great crafty giveaway, Cam. Did you mention chocolate?...... :)

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Oooo...please pick me!!!

Paula L. said...

I love embroidery, please count me in!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

bec said...

pick me (not my nose haha)

Sally said...

I'd be in heaven - stitching whilst chomping the chocolate + vintage fabric.

Jenny said...

I love embroidary...thanks for the chance at the giveaway goody package!
krousegirl3 at aol dot com

2paw said...

As suggested: Pick me!!!!

Mrs Button said...

May have missed this boat but would still love to comment. Lisa.