
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day 6: Frocktober

Channelling James Bond

I haven't had a chance to show off the fabulous vintage dresses that I scored at the Talbot Market a couple of weeks ago, so Amy's Frocktober theme for today was the perfect opportunity.

I made a date - me, the self-timer on the camera, and the blank wall in the spare room. I probably should have invited a hairdresser......

....and a stylist with an iron

This colour does nothing for my pale skin.... not a keeper

Aha! But this one is my favourite..... the perfect SuperPops dress!

As Liesl commented:

Faster than a speeding overlocker.
More powerful than a craft hammer.
Able to leap tall stashes in a single bound.

Look! Up in the sky!

It's a bird. It's a plane. It's SuperPops!

Don't try this at home folks.... you may topple over.


  1. That last pic is a keeper!!!! Noice.

    Also, Congrats abt your ist retail outlet - well done Cam. I must start to put my journals out there too...

    I really love that green vintage dress - suits you.


  2. You are really settling in very nicely to your new superhero role - I like! The first and last dresses are just GORGEOUS ... good scores crafty lady! Reckon there should be a superpops comic strip released soon ... maybe someone in in a crafty mag could take on the challenge!

  3. I must say that green dress is so me I love it. Funny pics of you supergirl! PS: Feel free to add my giveaway to your posts.

  4. Love that last dress! And the Wonder woman pose...

  5. oh Cam, that SuperPops never fails to crack me up!! Love your little photo shoot!

  6. Mmm - sounds like someone in Melbourne just feel over. Hope yo is OK! Even the pale one looks OK - real housewiferly! Lovely score of dresses. Cherrie

  7. Oh the superpops dress would make some great bags !
    Dont go leaping too many fabrics stashes though !
    Wierd word verification..."hymen"

  8. yes the last one is a keeper - and you must keep the hat and arm adornments too!!!!

  9. You are very, very cool in my book. I love that first dress and it is so cool that you have a WW crown. You should wear the crown more often.

  10. I love all of the dresses. You look great in all of them. I laughed at the last picture. Thanks, I needed a laugh!

  11. Gorgeous, Cam! Both you and the dresses.
    If you ever want to sell the green one, can you please let me know?
    I've always thought you are a superstar. Now it's been confirmed for me.

  12. Cam you crack me up!
    The green one is my fave! xx

  13. Thank you for a wonderful post that makes me smile. You are a legend!

    My favourite dress is the first one. The circle detail almost looks like argyle (my current love!).

    I'm headed to a vintage show in a couple of weeks. I scored a free ticket during Blogtoberfest. This post has encouraged me to be brave as I probably wouldn't have picked these dresses from a rack but they look great on!

  14. The last photo is fabulous - and the dress is amazing! Also love the green frock too.

  15. I'm so glad you have Wonder Woman cuffs! That outfit would have been incomplete otherwise. ;-)

  16. As my prep son would say (but not know the true meaning)..."Sex-y lay-dee"
    Greeen dress is super cute!

  17. I love that first dress! You may have inspired me to go back to my 60's frock I have just abandoned.

  18. I think I'm going to make myself one of those hats and just wear it around the house. Then maybe my kids will listen to me. I'll let you know.

  19. I particularly love the green one. I am also particularly envious of your legs, made to wear dresses, you super thing!

  20. You sure know how to have a great time. I love Superpops....she looks like she is having a blast!! Cheers kYla

  21. Snazzy dresses. Looks like you had a great time "posing" for the cmaera!

  22. Great dresses - hilarious photos in the cuffs and headgear!

  23. How could you NOT love the Superpops dress? It is perfect with the headpiece & bullet-reflecting wristbands. Too bad more crafty crimefighters couldn't be this well put together..

    Most excellent, superheroine!

  24. Those dresses are a COMPLETE score. Lucky you have the perfect shape to show them off! yay! :-D

    Getting distracted, just putting brooches online now.

  25. oh Cam you made me smile! I definitely needed that today. love your gorgeous finds and congrats on the retail shop with your products.

  26. Could you just STOP on the funny for a minute? Just so I can gather myself?

  27. Love it- love the last dress- its perfectly Popsy!

  28. Gorgeous dresses - the green one and the last one really really suit you and the pop of colour on the first one is perfect! And the SuperPops pose is perfect

  29. can't speak.....pissing myself laughing!!!

  30. Lovin the superpops outfit that's a winner!!!!

  31. I ADORE the first two dresses. And yes, an iron would be a bonus. Before my sister's wedding I ironed the other bridesmaid's dress but didn't have time to iron my own, and every time I look at the ceremony photos with my transported-in-a-shopping-bag crinkled silk dupion dress, I die a little inside.

  32. Cam...How cool...
    I adore wonder woman...
    It was the only "proper doll" i had when I was young...
    I even bought one a few years ago and I still have it in the box...
    Yeah weird I know...
    Love the outfits...
    AND the first one is very bond girl...

  33. I love that chocolate one with the argyle insert!

  34. rofl! Love that last one :-) Frocktober - perfect timing for my own post today, thanks for the tip-off! PS What's an iron? Oh I know, it's that little craft gadget that only ever comes out when I need to smooth crumpled ribbons, right?!

  35. I don't wear dresses all that often myself, but I'm lovin' that green one! And those legs....they were made for dress wearing! (unlike mine).

  36. Ahhhh Cam! It's just not fair! I'm a girl with a non-existent pelvic floor. You're not allowed to do any more SuperPops posts until I've seen the physio!!!!

  37. wow, that first one is gorgoeus looks SO GOOD and I also like the superpops costume, so apt - you just have to look good when you are saving the world!

  38. Brilliant Superpops dress! I'm particularly partial to the green too :) What awesome finds!!

  39. LOL! Oh you crack me up!! Great shots and great dress finds. Lucky you!

  40. The green dress looks fab on you!! How do you find so many great oppy finds that fit you perfectly??

    Have you gone a new hair colour? You really are looking glam.

    Jen in Melbourne

  41. very bright flower dress, its perfect :)

  42. Oh Cam. You certainly went past first base on your date with the self-timer!!! You sure do have the thrift gene. What gorgeous dresses, especially that first one. I loooove the split.

  43. Super dresses..Love the first and last ones best - Well done on getting the self timer working, something I am yet to master...LOL

  44. Fantastic Frocks!! Thanks for the (much needed) giggle Superpops!

  45. You are a hoot and I adore you for that!!! The dreeses are just to good for words.


  46. Yay Super pops... I love your "frocks"... this word isn't in my vocab but I am going to use it in my next op shop finds post and mention you lol... Frocks.. i love it!!

    xo Steph

  47. Love the frocks and Super pops!! Hurrah!!

  48. Yeah, I love the bright floral one too! It looks great on you - super-pops!

  49. Love all the outfits but SuperPops is awesome!!

  50. Oh, the James Bond dress looks FABulous. Great finds :)


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