Sunday was a perfect day for a road trip to the country to catch up with my younger sister and BIL, and my dad.
My older sister has a Hyundai I-Max, so we had her and her hubby in the front, Moo and the twins in the next row in three baby seats, and Mr X and myself in the back. It was just like being a little kid again.... Mr X had his Nintendo DS, and I had my old school brick game (a Tetris rip off) which I remember buying from Dick Smith Electronics in about 1994. Mr X also offered me his Gameboy to play Super Mario Brothers, but it was some new fangled version of Super Mario that I couldn't work out. I only know how to play the original Super Mario Brothers from the 1980's.....
To make it even worse, I was playing Mr X's DS and I was pressing buttons but nothing was happening. I asked him what was wrong, and he explained that it has a touch screen - you don't press buttons for everything anymore. Now that made me feel like a really old fuddy duddy.
We made it to Clunes, and met up with my younger sister and BIL, then we formed a convoy and continued on our road trip until we reached Talbot.

Talbot has a fantastic farmers market on the third Sunday of every month.

All of the main streets in the town are blocked off and filled with stalls ranging from fresh fruit and veg, jams, sauces, nuts, olives, handcrafts, woodwork, lollies, antiques and collectibles, books, chooks, pigs, goats (yes - you can seriously buy a chook, pig, or goat at the market), wine, sauces....etc etc.

We loaded everyone back up into the bus (no mean feat with three babies and the associated paraphernalia), and headed to Maryborough for the Antiques and Collectibles Market at the historic Railway Station.

There's also a cafe and antiques emporium which is open every day except Tuesday.

I haven't managed to take any photos of my goodies yet, and I also had to leave a rather large purchase with my sister in Clunes as it wouldn't fit back in the bus to Melbourne.
It's pretty special and I can't wait to show it off when it finally arrives (although there is a sneak peek of it in one of the photos above)!
Sounds like you had a lovely day, good weather, lots to see, yummy food. Wonderful!
A bush chair? A corrugated iron thing? Or a ute- I can't guess!! I would have been EXACTLY like you in the back seat- I like GIana Sisters, an 80's Mario copy. Which I think is now on DS! I am hunting down a good deal for Sib's b'day, I want Donkey Kong!
Was it a pig? Oh please tell me it was a pig - or maybe a goat ...yes you bought a goat !!!
You've got me wanting scones now - they look delicious :)
I'm envious... looks like a fantastic day!!
Oooh, I'm guessing you bought the old station clock tower. Am I close??
Looks like a really fantatsic day. (And I think you did well even trying Super Mario Brothers ... I was kind of lost after that tennis game with two oblong rackets and a square ball!)
Old family friends of ours used to run the Talbot Post Office. they had the most gorgeous house behind it, I used to love visiting them when I was small - i'm sure i would have appreciated it much more now though! Siobhan about suspense? Is the Maryborough market at the Railway Station on every week?
What a fantastic day!!! I bet you bought one of those wonderful bush chairs
Great road trip, thanks for taking us along. Can't wait to see what you have bought.
I bet it's the swings from the park so you can play outside and relive your childhood :D Or maybe a chicken!
I know. You've given up on the back yard garden-thing and you're handing it over to the chooks? Though I like the idea of a Curly Pops ute.
chickens. you bought lots of chickens :p
that pie looks divine!
oh all looks good but I can't take my eyes off the schones and banana toffee cream pie
and who is mr x?????
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