
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How time flies...

I had a quick little bloggy break over the last couple of days... except that quick as a flash, the four day Melbourne Cup long weekend is over!

Not much craft has been happening, and Nico's shorts didn't get finished in time for the birthday party, but here they are. Better late than never I suppose. I'm sure a 2 year old won't notice that one of his pressies is a little bit late.

This is the Burda 9793 pattern again - size 2 shorts.

I ended up having an extremely busy weekend. My BIL had back surgery last week and is in hospital, so I've been helping out my sister with babysitting duties (so she can visit hubby) and 'witching hour assistance'.

She left me at her nice clean house yesterday, and by the time she arrived home, it looked like a tornado had hit. I swear that they all ran off in different directions just so I couldn't catch them. There were a couple of disagreements over a pair of sunglasses, and a UNO card, but all the cheeky grins and cuddles made up for that at the end of the day.

I'm going to need a holiday by the time this all over!


  1. The 4 day weekend went in a blink didnt it? Bring on the next one I say. Sounds like you had lots to keep you busy lol

  2. i am in LOVE with those shorts!

  3. I love the skull fabric, where can I get some? By the way, I think you are very good to help with witching hour!

  4. Oooooooooh - Skully goodness!

  5. Love the shorts!~ I need some in me-size! Love the four day weekend too!

    Hope you BIL is feeling a lot better, ver soon!

  6. Great shorts. Love the feature panel - it is very effective.

  7. The weekend did fly didn't it!
    I think kids do that 'all run in a different direction' thing deliberately!
    I'm sure your sister appreciates your help no matter now much mess is left behind. (that the kids made of course).

  8. I laughed and laughed at your tornado comparison and the "different directions"....!

    Then laughed some more at you trying to catch them!

  9. You're a brave woman helping with the witching hour. I try and avoid our at all costs (not so easy if I am the only parent home).

    Great shorts you've made. That looks like a terrific pattern - I really like the cut of Burda patterns.

  10. man you are one good sister Cam! Even me, mother of 3 under 4 wouldn't cope with all those boys! hats off to you and the worst possible time of the day.

    I have to admit my guys watch micky mouse clubhouse so I can cope with that time of day!!!!

    great pattern, must look that one up actually otherwise finn will be wearing girly shorts!!!


  11. I love those shorts - I'll need to look out for that pattern now.

    Oh I miss those times - babysitting the nieces and nephews, mess, cuddles, then getting in the car and saying 'phew, it's so quiet now'.

    Not so easy now I have one of my own...


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