
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We have a winner!

When I logged off and finally went to bed lasnight, Punky and Me and Hoppo Bumpo were equal leaders in the SuperPops Challenge....

The poll finally closed thisafternoon, and after a whopping 165 votes were cast....

The winner is Punky and Me!

I'm also going to award a runner-up prize as the votes were so close the entire way through.

Thanks so much once again to everyone who took the time to play along. I'm going to bunker down tonight and try my hand at a poem, as part of Melanie's blogtoberfest challenge over at Emmstarr.


  1. Fabulous winner! And runner up. Though I did think that the toilet roll holder might make a last minute coup.

  2. Congrats all round...
    I think all the entries were fab...
    and what a great challenge...

  3. Woohoo and congratulations to the winner!!

    thanks a bazillion for such a triffic contest Ms Pops.

  4. Congratulations to Punky and Me. It has been enjoyable watching all the different syles and mediums (even carpet ;)).All the best with the poetry. Cherrie

  5. Thank you for such a fun competition Cam. I love Vic's winning entry - what a sensational SuperPops ( ... even if she missing a pair of tassels!!!)

  6. Love this winner! congrats punky your super pops POPPED!

  7. lol @ Liesl about the tassles.... I totally should have included some... apologies!

    Thanks for a fun challenge Cam, I enjoyed it immensly, but really can't believe the toilet roll holder didn't win... I just loved that, made me laugh out loud!!

  8. that is brilliant!!!
    I love it!!People are so clever!


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