
Thursday, November 26, 2009

My creative space

In my creative space.... one final handbag for tonights market, still needing some straps and a magnetic snap. I love the print, which is actually a vintage kitchen curtain that I found at Vinnies in brand new condition. I'm using it sparingly - the other side of the bag is turquoise.

As per usual, I have absolutely no idea what will sell. It seems to change each time, so fingers crossed! My sister helped me pack the car yesterday so I'm nearly ready to go.

Of course, I also have some other new completed handbags that I'll be bringing along.

More lovely vintage fabric goodness...

.... and another with the lovely vintage floral print. This time I've teamed it with red.

....and this very spring inspired fabric. Another from the vintage stash - it's a really thick fabric with a textured effect. I hope someone falls in love with the colours.

Make sure to check out all of the lovely creative spaces right here.


  1. Good luck & have fun Cam. Everything looks great.

  2. Your space is BAGTASTIC Cam!! That vintage curtain fabric is great. Smart idea to use it little by little.

    Good luck tonight...

    PS. I giggled that the car was packed yesterday!!

  3. Good luck for the market tonight Cam. The bags are sensational!

  4. Ha ha! BAGTASTIC indeed! Nice one. Love those bags. People will fall in love with them, because I certainly have!

  5. My favourite is the blue bag from the kitchen curtains. Have fun at the markets.

  6. Hope it's a great day Cam, every thing looking amazing as per usual.x

  7. oooh love! good luck for Saturday!!

    ~ Samone

  8. Oh! I do love that curtain print. Such a strong, vibrant colour.

  9. I love all of those prints!!! They are just spectacular. Good luck with the markets :) K

  10. All the bags look fabulous. Hope the market goes well.

  11. Have an amazing time at the markets and enjoy showing off your beautiful hard work! xo Meagan.

  12. You've got some great products there! All the best for the markets.

  13. Good luck Cam, I wish you a very light trip back:)xx

  14. Don't you wish you could keep some sometimes? At least we get to keep the photos of our work. I think that is why I like to give mine to friends because then I can still enjoy them. These are all so special they will make some people very happy. Cherrie

  15. Good luck tonight, you little market junkie you! I hope you are bringing some of your gorgeous bags to Daylesford, I love the red, white and blue one. Should be lots of fun on Saturday, looking forward to seeing you! xo

  16. Loving that second one so much! have a great night tonight and so looking forward to seeing you on Sat.

  17. Oh wow - that first bag is gorgeous - I LOVE the fabric!! Good luck/hope you had a good market!

  18. Ooh that second bag is exactly the style that I most love in a bag. Really cool.

  19. wow! I LOVE the fabric of the first bag. Reminds me a little of some Figgio cups I have. Good luck with the market.

  20. Wow. I really like the beautiful fabric on the first one.

  21. well by this time i guess it's "hope it's going well now"
    loving your handbags ~ everytime i see them i think how much i want one

  22. You have a great knack of putting great fabrics together - your bags are fab! I hope the market was successful.

  23. LOVE those first two bags. Super fabrics! Good luck.

  24. Hope you have a great market, I'm sure you will. Those bags are absolutely spectacular,. My fav is the third one.

  25. hope the market is good to you :)

    the spring flower bag is perfect to brighten up a day :D

  26. Good luck with the Market.Your bags are really lovely. All the best!

  27. That mighty pile of bibs just gave me a moments fear I have enough stuff?
    Oh well, nought to be done about that now I suppose. See you tomorrow!

  28. ALl the best with it Cam.

    Sorry I didn't get near the computer yesterday to continue our conversation - shall chat next week when you and I both have less to think about!!

    (See... I'm even multi-tasking on blog comments!!)

  29. You DO have to use vintage fabric sparingly don't you...?! I'd never thought of it like that!

    Cute bags lady! :)

  30. Gorgeous bags!! All the best with the market, I reckon you stock will fly. : ) Especially those two red and blue bags, yum.

  31. the bags look fabulous. i'm sure you did very well at the market. liove your choice of prints. especially love the blue vintage curtains. what a really excellant find

  32. All the bags look great...I am loving the vintage kitchen curtain one! Fantastic color and print. Hope you have recovered well from your late market night!!
    Chele x

  33. The vintage floral print is so lovely but I adore that vintage curtain fabric. Just love those colours.


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