
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Making and Listing

Lots of new bibs for the Daylesford Makers Market.... so many pretty fabrics to choose from.

I need to finish off some more handbags today to take to the Northcote Kris Kringle market tomorrow, and then start packing and ticking things off my market list. I have a terrible memory these days, so a list is absolutely essential.

I also must remember to go to the bank and get some change..... so many things to do, so little time!


  1. The bibs look great! I love lists! My husband teases me about my list making ways, but I just love writing\a list and then crossing each thing off once I have done it. Satisfaction! Good luck with all your jobs ans the market! :)

  2. I was outsourcing my memory to my mobile phone... it was great - a little bell would ring whenever I needed to do something. But then a little terror threw it in a puddle & splash I was back to mushy mud brain!

  3. The bibs look lovely- don't forget to get change at the bank!! : )

    xo m.

  4. I'm a huge list maker. it's the only way I can function. but I have to thank you for the change hint - I'm doing my first market soon and I hadn't even thought of that!!

    hope you have a great day!

  5. Those bibs look lovely. Might have to do some shopping on Saturday for our friend's new little man.

  6. Phew!!! you are busy!! I hope it all goes well and people are supporting handmade.

  7. Um. I actually went to my doctor to request a 'brain' check. You are so not the only list-making one. Will pop by and hear what you left off the list (or isn't it that bad?) tomorrow night!

  8. hehee, I was never a list person and now I NEED them!!!
    how exciting, goodluck for tomorrow, will try & pop by with Amelie to say hello.

  9. Oh, so much to do in so little time.


  10. Those bibs look great! Good luck for the market : o )

  11. I am a list maket too


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