
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Quality Control Testing


Moo Moo came over to visit with his mum yesterday, so I took the opportunity to test out the sizing of the birthday present.... (don't tell his dad that I dressed him in a pink floral cape).

He accessorised it with Jodie's little birdie in a cage that he found on the softie shelf in my bookcase

Apparently it has very good swooshing effects - perfect for a superhero in the making.

Can you guess what Moo Moo is getting for Christmas (just maybe not in pink floral)?


  1. He looks so cute - I can see why you must make him one too, Auntie Curlpops!

    The shower curtain idea is genious. Dual swooshability and water-resistance. Got to love that in a super hero cape!

  2. Gosh, he's a cutie! And a superhero cape is ALWAYS a good gift.

  3. CUTE!

    Dress Ups must be in the air!

  4. My son is sitting with me in bed as we check out the internet - he saw your post on my dashboard & said "look look" ... so we have popped by and he LOVES IT.
    Loves the crown. Loves the cape... looks like I'll be heading out to buy a shower curtain soon too!
    Do you have a tutorial/advice to make that delightful crown that my son is now obessed with?

  5. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It's Super Moo Moo!

  6. Moo Moo looks very happy in that cape, maybe a good 21st photo..He..Hee!!

    Im sure daddy would love that colour too!

  7. I've got to say that I also love the swish-swish of a dry shower curtain. Cherrie

  8. There can never be enough super heros in the world I think, even if they are pink and floral. He is going to just love Christmas

  9. He's such a cutie! I can just imagine the swooshing sounds - what a great idea!


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