
Saturday, January 30, 2010

The forgotten stash

I started collecting fabric about ten years ago, at around the same time that I decided that I wanted to learn to sew and make myself a handbag for work. I still have some very early incarnations of my make it up as you go along handbags which are quite funny to look at now. I remember being so proud that I'd made something myself, that I didn't even notice all of the unfinished seams and dodgy stitching.

At that stage, I was really drawn to silky satiny (ok, I know that's not really a word) type fabrics, while not realising that they weren't the easiest things to learn to sew with. At that stage, I'd also never even heard of interfacing!

Over the years, my stash of these fabrics ended up hidden away in a plastic container and were completely forgotten about, until I had an enquiry from Anna to make a Sunnies / Specs Pouch for her mum in a silky fabric.

Like a bolt from the blue, I headed off on a search through the mountain of fabric, to find my forgotten silky satiny gems. I even remember some of the shopping trips that I went on to buy them. I'm pretty sure that the fabric that Anna chose came from a little morning trip with my ex-MIL to Brunswick fabrics on Sydney Rd about 5 years ago. I originally intended to make myself a handbag with it, but just never got around to it.

So now I have Anna to thank, for re-introducing me to the forgotten fabrics that were instrumental in the beginnings of this little crafty adventure...... Oh how I love a happy ending!


  1. Gorgeous, I can't beleive there was a time your couldn't sew, you've come a long way baby!

  2. It's gorgeous and will probably wear a whole lot better in a little product than in a large one anyway. Cherrie

  3. that is absolutely lovey fabric, i am so happy that you found it. More power to you! I love that it is so very feminine.

  4. this story has better than a happy ending ... it has a gorgeous ending. your pouches are gorgeous and I'm definitely going to get one for my mum for her birthday. I just can't decide which and now you've added slinky fabric to my dilemma. at least I have until may to procrastinate.

  5. Ooh- lovely! Great to rediscover old gems in the stash. ANd I'm with Beck.... who'd think that there was a time when you couldn't sew? Look at how gorgeous that spec case is!

  6. I'm glad I could help ;-) You've done a wonderful job and she loves it!

    Anna x

  7. i love re-discovering fabrics in my stash and for the record, many folks in the costuming world use the phrase "silky satiny" so i think it's an official phrase!

    i can't wait to see what other silky-satiny jems you'll be working with =-)

  8. the fabric is wonderful - you may of open your Pandora's box

  9. i love to find any sort of craft supplies that i have stashed away, usually from mr's prying eyes. it's like christmas all over! love the specs pouch, if only i wore glasses!

  10. That fabric is absolutely beautiful! Hopefully we'll get to see more of the forgotten fabrics... don't you just love it when you refind old gems?

  11. Oh you forgot that beauty?? What a nice surprise to find it again. Love Posie

  12. Gorgeous! I just love finding those first pieces of fabric, those ones that got you hooked in the first place. I've been meaning to frame one of mine, to always remind me of the excitement and wonder I felt right from the beginning.

    Your piece has been put to very good use!

  13. very pretty :) I bought all kinds of fabric like that as well without realizing at the time its not the easiest to sew as well. But its pretty to look at. even if its never used lol

    its really interesting what can bring back memories from the past :)

  14. The pouches you have been making are great - and this one is really special. Love the fabric. Any chance you're brave enough to post a picture of one of your dodgy first bags? That would be fun!!

  15. that is really pretty!
    how fun to have a reason to go for a jaunt down memory lane. :)

  16. those silky satiny ones seduce all of us! That fabric is a lovely shade of green, and the roses are beautiful.


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