
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lost for Words

I think my brain has gone on holidays.

I usually have at least ten ideas for blog posts (and quirky yet meaningful headings) running around in my head at any one time, but the last couple of weeks, there's been some creaking and some grinding of the cogs..... and those little mice have stopped running along on their treadmill .......   and everything seems to have come to a standstill.

This is completely unchartered territory, and I'm not sure how long it will last. I have a feeling that I'm just trying to keep too many things in my head that I should be writing down, or adding to the calendar. There's just way too much clutter going on in the grey matter!

So, while I try to empty out the clutter, please enjoy a photo of the little basket of craft goodies that I'm taking with me for a crafternoon at Tinniegirls house - maybe a nice homemade cappucino will fix it?


  1. A picture speaks a thousand words...when words fail you, post a pretty piccie!
    I'm liking the brown and orange case in the pic. BTW.
    Have fun a craftin', and a declutterin'.

  2. Love your picture - and I am sure your great ideas will come back soon!

  3. Awww Hun!! I think a cappucino and a deep breath in of fresh air might help a little bit. It's okay for your brain to take a little/big break. A basket of fabrics is wonderful to look at in the mean time!!

    xo Steph

  4. I think a crafternoon with a friend and a cappucino will do wonders. Enjoy! :-)

  5. Sometimes it's good to declutter - can't wait till your clogs are running at full steam! Nic xx

  6. I've got the same thing going on for me lately. That's why my blog has seemed to be in Dark Monday mode this summer! I just try to go with it. What else can ya do!?

    Sounds great to have a cappuccino with a craft buddy, though. I should think that will do the trick!

  7. Oh, not the post writing i was expecting after such a pretty basket of eye candy. I find i have ideas running around my head, a lot come to me at the clothes line, go figure?? Have fun with Ms TinnieGirl, she's ace. Love Posie

  8. Funny, it must be januaryitis because me too.... I'm normally not stuck for post ideas but recently have just not 'felt' like anything exciting sprung to mind when I've had time to blog... Making it my resolution to blog for fun.

  9. what a lovely basket of goodies, Have fun, don't worry about blogging, it will all be fine when you have the time.
    It is because Christmas is just behind us and they talk that up for months in advance that we all get a little drained. I think our brain goes on a bit of a holiday after that

  10. Ah, I understand the feeling. My blog has been pretty minimalistic this new year. I don't know if it is the fact that my body doesn't like my current health kick or is missing the caffeine that it has chosen to give up but my brain is sluggish too!

  11. Cut back for a bit, we'll still love ya! For me it's never the frequency of posts that keeps me reading a blog, but the authenticity (and eye candy!).

  12. Hope you had fun with Ms Tinnie and that the coffee helped!

  13. Enjoy your crafternoon. Im sure its nothing that a good cuppa and a bit of sleep wont fix

  14. We all need you back...when you are ready. Cuppa or later?

  15. hope you declutter soon Cam, you may just have tooo many things on & don't know where to start from.
    hope you had a good day at Cathy's.

  16. It happens to the best of bloggers. Try not to force it, we'll still be here if you need a break. Hope you had a great crafty afternoon.

  17. Decluttering is good, and a good friend can be of help there. Not to mention the cappucino. - Lovely basket!

  18. I feel like that at the moment but I'm hoping that once I get into crafting 365 more then I will make my blog posts a bit more interesting!

  19. it's okay to take time to "re-tread your head and un-wind your mind"!

    i'm sure you had a fun and entertaining time that generated ideas during your visit with Tinniegirl - i can't wait to meet her in person and bounce ideas with her!!

  20. i think it might have something to do with the start of the year, as my blog has been seriously neglected so far :/

  21. Sounds like you need to head over to the Rebound Books site and shop around for a cute little pocketbook to jot down the ideas before they get forgotten!

    Hmmm, guess where I just went shopping... ;)

  22. Who needs words when you have a great little basket of craftiness like that to show off? Hope you had fun on your crafternoon!

  23. Words have left me too. All I want to do is sew and swim and cook ... and I no longer want to talk about it!!

    Hope you had a lovely afternoon!


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