
Wednesday, January 27, 2010


It seems that Big Cat is a big fan of my new basket too....


  1. Adorable pic! Kitties love boxes and baskets so much...

  2. Wonderful picture, my cat Larry loves baskets too even if they are too small he still squeezes himself in somehow!

    I love the basket by the way!

    Warm wishes
    Isabelle x

  3. How funny! He looks like he had to squeeeeeeeeze himself in.

  4. Baskets, bags, boxes, suitcases - you just never know where you might find your kitty next, probably curled up on some fabric somewhere. LOL :-)

  5. What a sweetie! What is it with cats and baskets and boxes? We have to keep all thses kinds of things away from our Big boy, KC, otherwise he pees in them. Sad huh? Looks like you got your Mojo back with that awesome post heading!!

  6. Funny how cat's will always find their way into a basket, or a bag for that matter!

  7. What is it with cats and bag/basket/box type things? My cats just assume that any of those that are put on the floor were obviously put there for them to get into. It's amusing when it's our stuff, less so when they try to get into a visitor's backpack....

  8. Oh wow I can see why, that one cute basket (and kitti) :)

  9. So you turned all that fabric into a cat, really clever, so realistic!! Happy getting blogging mojo back. I just had The Big Day Out in my car full of 3rd graders rocking out their favourite hits, made for an interesting post. Love Posie

  10. Big Cat! big Hit!!!
    I would love to have his picture on my blog for Cat of the Day. I will link his picture right back here to your web site. I hope you have time to read this! H is stunning.

  11. Too cute. What a sweetie. He knows a good basket when he sees one! :)

  12. At least you didn't have to take him home with you. I don't think you need two cats to torment you. Surely one is enough.

  13. I have the same basket in red...and out biggest cat loves it oo - no matter what is in it....she just settles herself on top of sewing and pins and scissors.....
    Big cat is quite a looker !

  14. lol :D love this picture! made me smile, thanks :)

  15. Your kitty is adorable. My cat enjoys my ironing board more than baskets.

  16. hehe cute! he looks pretty comfy too


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