
Thursday, January 28, 2010

My creative space

Oh, how I've missed My Creative Space since it's been on holidays.

I'm a bit of a nosey parker, so I love to have a sneaky squizz into what everyone else is up to!

Clockwise from Left:
Gadget Pouch for Tinniegirl - Hand Screenprinted Bicycle fabric by Greenolive
WIP Brooches
Coloured Wire
Hair Bits and Bobs

I headed to my local bead shop yesterday with the sole purpose of picking up some coloured wire, but I was somewhat distracted, and ended up coming home with hair clips and hair combs to play with.

The home of My Creative Space....


  1. I have missed it too. The gadget pouch looks great. Have fun with the clips and combs.

  2. Cute fabric & as if you could go into any crafty style shop with a list & not deviate. Love Posie

  3. Don't you just love picking up unexpected items while looking for something else - Oh the fun of craft shopping!

  4. That bike fabric is fantastic! Very excited to see what comes of the hair stuff.

  5. I love a sticky peek too! Interesting space, look forward to see what becomes xox

  6. lovely...

    u know what? i think that is the best thing about craft stores... the inspiration you get from different products on sale. i too am having so much fun trying out different things at the mo.


  7. tis gorgeous fabric! i take it the pouch is to replace the one EvilPops "stole"?

  8. Great fabric, and who goes to a craft shop and only brings home what they'd planned to?

  9. Sooo love the fabric! and I can't wait to see what you come up with for the hair clips

  10. I love the gadget pouch. Great fabric!

  11. that always happens to me. go to the art store for one thing and come back with more. lol but I'm fine with that

    the pouch looks good in that fabric :)

  12. OOo, I love that fabric. May have to get some of that - I have a cycling mad family (not me, I am lucky if I can walk up the hill, let alone ride up it...)

  13. Looks productive, Cam, and thanks for the tip on your local bead shop - looks great online too. Nic

  14. hey Cam,
    hope you had a good craft bonanza, sorry I missed it.
    have a happy friday lovely lady!

  15. I love seeing what people make with our fabrics, I hope tinniegirl likes her gadget pouch!

  16. So long as the distraction turns into a creative endeavour then it's all good. At least that what I tell myself hehe...

    xo Steph


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