
Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I've been giving my little glasses case a test run over the past couple of days, and I love it so much, that I decided to whip up a whole lot more.

There's a bit of hand basting required with each one to get a nice neat finish, so I sat on the couch lastnight and watched The Real Housewives of New Jersey while happily stitching away....

I'll be taking them to my upcoming markets (list on sidebar). I still need to search the stash for some more blokey type fabrics (I wouldn't want the blokes to miss out).

Next job on the list is to make some shorter versions to suit gadgets.... better get onto it!


  1. They look fabulous cam...great fabrics, and excellent quality. Do they have a pocket on front too. you're so quick....and clever!

  2. Loving the butterfly one and the spots at the back! You have been busy!!

  3. they are definitely spec-tacular Cam!

  4. Oh, these look great, are you sellng them online too?

  5. They look great Cam! I have a stash of those flex-frames here too that I was planning to make spec cases out of.

  6. They look awesome! Very professional! :D

  7. Very nice, Cam, and a good idea to make some "blokey" ones too. Nic

  8. Aww, New Jersey is the best!!!! Who lives like that? The glasses case is nice too.... beautiful.

  9. Looking amazing there! I had a bit of a chuckle at your blokes link too!

  10. Cam they look great. if onlu I didn't have to wear my specs all the time!

  11. FANtastic. I love them. :-) The fabrics are gorgeous.

  12. butterfly one and the spots at the back! You have been busy!!

    Work from home India

  13. Fantastic - look at them - I hope you do well next market : o )

  14. OK, so I REALLY want one of those. My Mum's glasses case has completely had it (she's holding shut with a rubber band - classy), so one of these would be perfect. Especially in a Japanese silky fabric....

  15. They look great Cam, Can't wait to see the blokey ones...

  16. They are gorgeous. Looking forward to checking them out at a market. I'll try to stop by Borders on the 1st.

  17. they look great- something of a similar shape would make hot budgeting envelopes! xo m.

  18. Wow not only do they look great you are so organised !

  19. They look fabulous. Love the butterfly fabric!

  20. They're really cool & from reading a few blogs, you weren't the only one watching Housewives of NJ while sewing. I don't have a digital television (read: newish) in the studio, so i have to stick to regular channels or DVDs. Enjoy, love Posie

  21. Are they big enough to fit blow fly eye sunnies? Mine don't seem to fit in regular sized glasses cases and therefore they're a bit scratched due to encounters with the car keys.

  22. Fabulous! I hope some make their way to Handmade Heaven for my shopping pleasure!


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