
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A bit of Australiana (must be pronounced with an accent)

I've been sorting through the tea towel stash, looking for a little bit of Australiana....

.... and whipping up some totes using my tutorial.

I'm very glad that I don't have to actually cut the tea towels......... just in case I change my mind

Some of them are just way too pretty


  1. Man your up and at it early today! Must add your tea towel tote tutorial to my side bar they look fab. Have a great day.

  2. Oh thank you for this one.We have relatives in Australia and every year I get a new tea towel calendar.So here is something great to use them every day!

  3. Love the Australiana teatowels.
    I'm itching to try this tutorial, just have to make it to a fabric shop for the handle material...
    Thanks for sharing it Cam.

  4. These are great - love the last one especially!

  5. now THAT is really creative! Fantastic!

    Are you known as the tea towel lady?

  6. They're bonza bewdy mate!
    And I am so going to try and make myself one from your tute, once I get some tape for the handles.

  7. you have turned me into a tea towel freak. i can't help looking for them where ever i go! I found one the other day with the words to 'Waltzing Matilda' on it.

  8. What a great stash you must have ... these are really sweet.

    PS How happy are you with the ADSL 2+? Is it living up to your expectations

  9. Yay - I just scored some bright and garish Strine teatowels at savers. This will be perfect to try out, and so quick!!! Is this a new tute or did I just miss it first time around?

  10. Hey Cam! Your tea towel totes are the cutest!

  11. Australiana - did I get the accent right? Love the bags btw!

  12. ozstraalian maate. gotta have the drawl ;)

    you beaut! dinkiedi ozzie teatowel, fairdinkum made in taiwan lol

  13. I said love, I said darl, I said pet ... those have got be just about the most Strine things I have seen in ages.

  14. Noice! Now I'll have to find a clean teatowel to make one....hmm. Perhaps I'll buy one!

  15. Thanks for tutorial I made a couple this arvo but with pillow caes! Don't laugh but I could find a tea towel!
    blogged with a link back to you
    Thanks for sharing
    Melissa x

  16. I can't resist a good teatowel and some might say that I now have too many! Funny that so many are from Australia (& have ended up in Canadian thrift stores). Now I know what to do with the ones that are too pretty to wipe up life's spills: they carry life's stuff instead!

  17. This is great! Thank you Super Pops!

  18. Just made one - brilliant tutorial, cam. Check it out on my blog. Nic

  19. Strewth! Thats a bl***y bonza!
    Gunna get me-self a tea towel or two too!
    ;) Irene x


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