
Thursday, February 11, 2010

My creative space

Today it's creativity in a basket...

I've packed my goodies to take along to the Northern Craft Bonanza tonight.

I'm working on a cape for SuperMoo that needs a little embroidery as a finishing touch, and an embroidered hankie as well.

I need to do a quick run around the house and grab some things for tonights crafty swap. One persons crafty junk just might be anothers crafty treasure.

The home of My Creative Space.


  1. heehee, like you are going to get any crafting done!!

  2. I love that favourite ... I am so going to go through your basket tonight!

  3. "One persons crafty junk just might be anothers crafty treasure."

    Never a truer word spoken!

  4. I love your craft-on-the-go.

    Have fun tonight.

  5. Have a great night, creating and chatting

  6. I love your basket, I think its a crafty must

  7. love the idea of a crafty basket =-)

    have a great time making and sharing with your swap goods!

  8. What a pretty display of goodies, so much nicer than my pile of dresses. Hmmm . . . work on merchandising!! & you thought it was just a practical way to carry things, no, really adorable to look at!! Love Posie

  9. I have my gardening tools ion a basket like yours it must be over 50 years old. I love the tea towel bags for Overseas gifts. I'LLbe back

  10. I'm all packed and ready to go. I'll see you soon.

  11. What a lovely little crafty basket, you are always so organised, it's just fabulous. I'm very inspired!
    Sophie x

  12. Have cute crafty basket.

    Will travel.

  13. Portable craft if great. Love the colours in your hanky.

  14. Hope the craft night was good and not a basket case...haw haw haw.

  15. Your basket is nice, so much better than an old carrier bag!

    Have fun swapping!

  16. I really love that basket - nice size and nice colours. Hope you had a productive/fun night!

  17. Nice crafty basket indeed! Looking forward to seeing the cape when finished.

  18. What a cute basket and contents. This sounds like a lot of fun this Craft bonaza, room for any newbies?


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