
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Home Again

Watching the lawn bowls...

I'm home again after a lovely weekend away in the country.

I had my market stall at the Daylesford Makers Market on Saturday. The weather was perfect, and the stallholders and customer were lovely, which makes it a wonderful day out . I met Jocelyn from Bye Bye Birdie, Dana from Twiglet, Michelle from Kids with Crayons, Sonya from Sago on Tuesdays and Rachelle from Rachelle and Co.

My stall was next to Amber from UB Design. She had the most gorgeous resin bangles, but my abnormally skinny wrists meant that I couldn't buy one...drats.

There were bloggy visitors too - Jodie, Annie, Jacinta, and Abbe all popped by and said hello (I hope I didn't miss anyone).

I only managed to snap a couple of quick photos of my own stall before the market started, but there are some great photos over at the market blog.


I came home with some more bike fabric (still in my suitcase) from Martine at Greenolive , some home made yo yo biccies (since consumed of course), and this lovely hanmade embroidered lavender sachet envelope from Rachelle.... how sweet!

After the market, we all headed into Ballarat for a yummy dinner on Saturday night, and then visited my dad before heading back to Clunes for an early night.

My nephews had a great time playing at the park, and riding their scooters down the street to Widow Twankeys to buy lollies.

The twins climbed everything they could find!

Thismorning it was pancakes with maple syrup and cream at home, before we headed down to the main street for coffee and a light lunch.......

The weekend sailed by far too quickly, and it was time to head home...... I'll be making the same road trip again in April - yippee!


  1. Your stall looks fab! Thanks for sharing greenolive- I have seen that bike fabrci before- probably here and have been going half mad trying to remember where I saw it!!!

  2. Welcome back, glad you had an awesome day! Daylesford was really fantastic yesterday! I didn't get much of a chance to step away from my stall, what a pity.

    Perhaps I'll have the chance to say hi in April!

  3. You really know how to do a market stall Ms Pops - what with turning it into a whole weekend soiree away!

  4. Sounds like a good market and weekend away!

  5. Great market Cam and lovely to see you! Perfect day.

  6. Your stall looks great. Sounds like a lot of hard work but lots of fun too.

  7. your stall looks wonderful. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend.
    I love pancakes for breakfast, or any time really, for dinner is nice too, like brinner!

  8. thank you so much for taking the time to have a chat with me. i'm glad that you like the hankie envelope. hopefully i will see you at the april market!

  9. It was such a lovely day, no stress, well run and I was in excellent company. It was very lovely to say Hello to you and I hope to see you at another market soon.


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