
Friday, February 5, 2010

Off to the Market

It's time to pack my suitcases and pack the car, and then head down for a weekend in the country, and the Daylesford Makers Market

My younger sister the 'Donkey' (FYI - that's an affectionate phrase that she coined for herself as she does all the carrying), and I will be heading to the charming town of Daylesford tomorrow.

 It's going to be a family affair as my older sister and BIL and their kiddies are coming along too. I'm going to send them off to the Farmers Market to find some some delicious goodies for me!

I'll have some old favourites on my stall and also some brand new crafty things....

Do you remember the $2 hat rack that I found in pieces in Beeac? Ex MrCP fixed it for me, and it's perfect for displaying Chefs Hats and Handbags.

If you can't make it out to Daylesford, then make sure to visit the Northside Makers Market which is also on tomorrow. I'll have some goodies displayed on the collective table.

Have a great weekend!


  1. have a great day Cam!
    we'll miss you at Northside.

  2. Have a great time, I'm sure you'll sell heaps!

  3. Dear Cam...
    Just gorgeous little crowns...
    I have been reading all your posts that I have missed...
    and trying to catch up...
    I love the tutorial!!!
    and in print too...Yeah...
    Hope you have fun at the markets...and do hope that now something has finally sold I will have some time to head down your way for a visit...
    I would adore going to these markets...

  4. Have a great time - sounds wonderful!

  5. have fun - I have a market on this weekend to - just hoping the rain will hold off! - Oh I wish I had a donkey!

  6. Your things look great. I hope I get to meet you. I'm still sewing today!!Being my first market not sure how much stock I should be taking. Whatever I get finished will have to do! Hope you have a great weekend.

  7. Well. There's nothing else to do but clone ourselves so we can visit each other's markets. It's just that simple.

    I'll get to work on that right now, starting with some a-grade brain food - tim tams of course!

    (Have a great market tomorrow, hope the weather holds out for you!)


  8. was hoping to meet you at the northside market... but not to be this time. hope daylesford goes well for you

  9. Having a bit of bag envy for the blue tote in the top picture. Enjoy your time with the other crafters. Hope the weather holds fine for you. Cherrie

  10. Hope your market goes well tomorrow, enjoy Daylesford, it's such a lovely area!

  11. Hope all goes well, have a lovely weekend in the country. x

  12. can't wait to have a chat with you tomorrow, see you then!

  13. Woopeee! We'll be making every effort to make it to the Northcote market tomorrow, so I'll kep an eye out for your stuff. Good luck in Daylesford!! xo m.

  14. Have a great and profitable day. I hope the weather does the right thing. We are hosting the Bathurst Swap Meet this weekend which is great fun.

  15. Hope you have a great weekend, it looks so good.
    I am a little jealous of your great sounding week-end away

  16. Oh that sound like a wonderful ocasion to catch up with family and participating in a great market!Hope you have a great time xx

  17. Lovely to see you again Cam. Hope you had a successful day with lots of sales. Cheers!

  18. Have fun and hope you have lots of sales.


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