
Thursday, February 4, 2010

My creative space

I'm a little bit late today, but I was too disorganised to post anything before I left for work thismorning.

I was finishing off these Superhero Headbands lastnight when I realised  that I'd run out of velcro for the I bought myself lots and lots of velcro today to finish them off....

But first, I'm going to sit on the couch, put my feet up, and watch The Bold and the Beautiful while enjoying my cup of tea and Sara Lee chocolate muffin.

The home of My Creative Space....


  1. Mmm, making me hungry, Love the colours youve used.

  2. I reckon you've earnt a little R&R. Enjoy the muffin.

  3. Fantastic Superhero bands! They'd be very popular at our place...

  4. Oh yummy muffin! And those headbands are just fabulous!
    Sophie x

  5. The headbands are fantastic, but I must be hungry 'cos I can't get past the cake!

  6. I used to love the Bold and the Beautiful! :)

  7. Oh, now i'm hungry, yummy & cute super hero bands as always. Love Posie

  8. Totally contagious colours. I am sure they will attract the appropriate buyers! Cherrie

  9. Love how we can see you in the reflection of the kettle. Cute.

  10. Heehee, I also like the reflection, makes the pic so interesting! And great headbands.

  11. The best way to tackle a job is to have a coffee!! Oh yes indeed...

    xo Steph

  12. Nice things you make! I wouldn't have found this without Kootoyoo! :)

  13. You just made me realise how much I need a Sara Lee muffin in my life. Those headbands are looking definitively faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive...

  14. Your super-hero headbands are just wonderful!!! I made them up following your tutorial (as you know) and the feedback from the kids they've been given too is fantastic. They LOVE them. Thanks again!!!

  15. the headbands are so bright and cheerful :)

  16. Love the headbands! You made me laugh out loud - is the Bold & Beautiful still going??! Hope you had a great afternoon. K

  17. What a great idea - the break & choco one. Says I as I sit here eating a bowl of chocolate ice cream (homemade I might add!)whilst checking out all the spaces. Its good to put down the superhero hat everynow and then and take some R&R. Enjoy!

  18. the crowns look fantastic. a cuppa,sarah and the b&theb-lucky duck

  19. mmmmmm muffins!! loving the headbands too, they look like great fun, are they adult sized or kid's?!

  20. You are a girl who has her priorities in the right order Cam!

    Although I do want to laugh at you a little bot about watching B&B! Really....!!!

  21. I think you need to make some headbands in adult sizes - there have been some days this week where I could have really used some 'superpowers'!!!

  22. I think you need to make some headbands in adult sizes - there have been some days this week where I could have really used some 'superpowers'!!!

  23. Oh my! I love the super hero headbands. Too Cute! I should try and make some for my little girls. I just wrote a super hero post yaesterday. It's one of their favorite things to play ;)


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