
Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Creative Space

I'm having a bit of a creative slump this week

There are plenty of projects on the list..... I just need to get cracking!

Yesterday, I had to take some parcels down to the post office, and of course, there was no parking... so while doing blockies, I ended up taking a little detour further down the street to the bead shop, where I bought myself some little trinkets to play with, and a new pair of flat edge tweezers.

Funnily enough, I still haven't started work on using the last lot of pretty things that I bought from the bead shop... but I'm a bit of a magpie when it comes to all things shiny and new and crafty!

Watch this space - I might actually make something with this lot.

The home of My Creative Space


  1. Those naughty bead shops, they are so alluring aren't they? Maybe you just needed these items to use with the last purchase? :)

  2. Cute beads - hopefully they will lead you over the slump!

  3. Wow, they are like silver doilies!

  4. I dare you to make something with them!! hehe

    xo Steph

  5. I can be guilty of the same thing with fabrics but I'm bad tt because i hardly ever use them. At least you have plans for these prettys.I had a slump last week, and it's gone now, so I have big hopes for you.x

  6. I hear you on the issue of creative slump :(

  7. Bead shops, shiny, oooooh yes, I become a magpie too. Good luck with your slump.

  8. tomorrow be a better day for you! Chin up girl! :)

  9. ah the temptation of a bead shop...!

  10. Wow, they are really pretty, I'm looking forward to what might become of them!

  11. Oh, those creative slumps are a bear, aren't they? Good you have lots of pretty things to inspire you back out of it eventually.

  12. What treasure! I hope you are feeling creative again really soon.

  13. Hang in there. The slump will pass Cam.

  14. Sometimes I think the slump is a necessary phase that happens when we need to slow down, restock or just have some quiet time. You go hell for leather most of the time Cam so make the most of having some down time. I'm sure your creative brain is already ticking over some new ideas as we speak anyway! Love those pretty, sparkly beads...I can see why you couldn't resist xo

  15. Hope you are out of your slump soon - nothing like some sparkles to give you ideas.

  16. I find little slumps like that very useful sometimes, I always seem to pop out the other end all excited about something new. Although that often means heaps of half done projects, but I figure that's what being a crafter is all about! Love those sparkly beads!
    Sophie x

  17. a slump is just a forced regrouping. you will be flying into a new project in no time. glad i don't know that bead shop. it looks lethal

  18. If anything is going to get you out of a slump is all that shiny goodness! Loving the butterfly

  19. Very pretty trinkets! But had to ask what is doing blockies?

  20. Those pieces are really gorgeous. Hope they inspire you soon. I think there's just an ebb and flow to creativity that we all go through. Sometimes you just need to recharge the batteries :) K

  21. Lovely pretty things! Your slump could transform into something special with all that sparkle-from a fellow magpie!


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