
Friday, February 19, 2010

Taking Advice

Nikki reminded me earlier this week that it's important to just make something beautiful for oneself.

It's something that I don't seem to do very often. I usually only keep dodgy test pieces and prototypes for me...... then Steph double dared me to actually use one of the sparkly things that I bought this week.

I needed to make this thisafternoon. Some days start out OK, and then something crappy happens. I'm so glad that I can distract myself by just making something.


  1. Hope you're OK Cam. I bought you a present today that's sure to put a smile on your face.

    Love your gorgeous creation.

  2. That's a lovely blingy brooch, Cam - glad you look Nikki's wise advice! Have a great weekend! Nic

  3. So sorry to hear you were feeling low, but I'm sure that gorgeous creation brightened up your day.

  4. It's great Cam! Craft has cheered me up this week too. Hope you have a great weekend. :)

  5. Nothing better than something sparkly to cheer you up, eh?

    I hope everything is ok and that you'll feel better again soon!


  6. Absolutely, in the mass production for market that is going on in my studio, i stopped to make myself a fruit bowl patchwork liner, like a retro mini table cloth, i'm thrilled. Makes me smile, love Posie

  7. You should always make the best thing for yourself, then the doggy copies for others haha. Hope today was ok, I'm around if you want to catch up over the weekend or Monday.

  8. oh its all turned to crap at my place too - I might just have to follow your lead gorgeous Cam...and I really do hope tomorrow is a better one!

  9. hope you have a sparkly weekend lovely cam.

  10. It is lovely and you deserve it.

  11. It is lovely, and sure to brighten a day. Hope the weekend is better for you.

  12. I hope things aren't too crappy and they get better soon. Thinking of you gorgeous girl,

    Selina xx

  13. So true - I always sell or gift my best things. You deserve to make something spesh for yourself Cam!!

  14. this is so pretty .... I can't wait to see it IRL.

  15. Good on you Cam. Though all your work is beautiful. The piece you have made for yourself is fittingly gorgeous. xx

  16. I'm very proud of you Cam. You get my 'Student of the Week' award!

    Hoep everything is OK.. and that you are OK. xxx

  17. Your flower is very pretty. Crafting is the best distraction or sometimes chocolate!

  18. Hey Cam,

    Hang in there - you are so super strong.

    I hope the day has got better. So good you made something for yourself... I WANT to do the same this weekend.

  19. Cripes Cam, if ever there was a 'you' brooch! I know you didn't purposely set out to co-ordinate it with your blog header...and so I rest my case.

    Hope tomorrow is a bigger, better day.

  20. Stunning work Cam. Can't wait to see you wearing it!
    I hope whatever happened gets better/unhappens/fixes. Take care,

  21. it is so important to make something for oneself :) it can do wonders for a persons state of mind

    very prettily coloured :)

  22. I totally love this one too!! It's nice to have a little bling bling :-) I usually do the same thing and keep to dodgy pieces for myself.

  23. I'm so glad you made something for yourself - it's just gorgeous.

  24. Making something with your own hands for yourself is self medicating the good ol' healthy way and some times we need to bump up our dose. I think I need some good ol' medicine too at the moment so I think I shall take that advise too:)

  25. Love your brooch Cam and glad you made something for yourself.....hope you are feeling brighter.


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