
Monday, March 22, 2010

Gung Ho

It's the way that I approach most things day to day.

I don't think about things too much.
I don't plan very far in advance.
I live in the moment.
I go with the flow.
I just DO.

Of course GUNG HO is not always the most successful way to do things. Case in point above.

In between some other projects, I decided that I would make a start on my pincushion swap. I'm not a patchworker or a quilter, but I thought it would be a fun project to make up a little patchwork of fabric scraps, to then use as the basis of my pincushion.

But then I remembered that I was supposed be creating something in a style that my swap partner would like..... and so I skidded to a complete HALT!

Whoops - it looks like I'm starting over.


  1. LOL! I'm a bit like that when it comes to crafting too!!

    That's the way, a-huh a-huh, I like it, a-huh a-huh... :D

    Can't wait to see what you come up with tho', maybe you should still make a pincushion out of your wonderful "new" cloth...

  2. Well, it would certainly remind them of you so they would like that part of it! Lisa.

  3. Your blog ..... it's amazing and soooo inspiring. Nice to find you!

    A small footprint from Agneta & Sweden

    Ps. I have an ongoing jewelry contest on my blog. Welcome! Ds

  4. cam when the urge to sew hits theres no other way but gung ho!

    love the colours they just scream "I was made by curlypops"

  5. That is so funny. I couldn't be more opposite to you and your approach but god I wish I wasn't!

  6. hey ... but at least you have something you like ... i wish i was your swap partner because I like it! LOL

  7. Its wonderful Cam! I think a swap is partly about pleasing your partner and partly about giving them a little piece of you and your style. Something they wouldn't necessarily make themselves. Your gung ho effort is looking fab! X

  8. Well, it won't go to waste! Gung-ho is where I live too, so much of the time.

  9. When creating something I think you should always make something that you love, that way your connection and committment always shine through. I find it hard to part with a swap item I have made because I put so much of me into it.

  10. Lol , that is funny. I wish I was more Gung Ho like you. I am so careful/analytical that NOTHING gets made or done

  11. It will still be beautiful anyway !

  12. What's not to like? It looks fabulous.

  13. I'm with Tinniegirl....go with your gut and keep it going!!! I love it!!!

  14. Oh well, it musn't be for me then because I'd LOVE it!!!

  15. hahaha - and I here I was, sidling over to your blog looking for a pincushiony tutorial for the self same pincushion swop...the ones on Flicker are pretty awe-inspiring/make me feel inadequate...

  16. I like the way you approach things. I am very similar to that. I hope your pincushion works out well.

  17. i think that bit of patchwork looks FABULOUS!

    if it doesn't go to your swap partner, maybe it can be a future giveaway since so many of us fans LOVE it...?!? ;)

  18. Well, gung ho is one way to go! lol I usually stress myself crazy trying to come up with the very perfect thing, and just slide in under the wire..or trip flat on it, as the case may be. :p

    And yeah...your sample couldn't scream Curlypops any louder! lol

  19. But of course your swap partner would like it - it's fab! Great colours and fabric mix!

  20. make a small quilt with the pieces?

  21. I can already see the next post:

    "Remember that gung ho pincushion swap thingy I started? Well now it's become a ....."

    Those little red patchworks will float about in your brain until one day, the idea will hit you!

  22. Absolutely gorgeous, Id recommend keep going regardless. I mean who wouldnt want that as their pin-cushion?
    It is a little piece of you!

  23. I love what you did with thoe scraps!


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