
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Op Shop Sunday / Fleamarket Finds

I find it a bit weird to use the word fleamarket (sorry if I'm offending anyone but we don't have fleamarkets in Australia) and I just don't like fleas......

What I do like is Op Shops!

I could only manage a teeny tiny quick visit to one oppy this week, where I found a very lovely cross stitched tablecloth - with absolutely no stains (a  minor miracle) for the princely sum of $1.

I also found myself a very nice skirt, and nearly fell over when I saw that it was priced at $20! It went straight back on the rack.

Visit Sophie to see many more gorgeous oppy finds this week.


  1. What a delightful tablecloth. I'll tell you a little secret, I called it Flea Market Finds, because I have a thing for alliteration, that and I always dream of those fabulous flea markets in Paris. I'm not a fan of fleas either. :)
    Sophie x

  2. Funny about fleas, I always think of markets in Paris too. Nice tablecloth, and great price! I can't imagine life with op shopping, too much fun to be had!

  3. that reminds me of a seinfeld episode where george thought they actually had fleas at flea markets!

    $20 for a skirt at an oppie...really, what is that all about.
    it would definitely not have been the little ol church oppie.

  4. I'm with you on fleas - I call mine market finds!! Anyway, great table cloth - I think I have some napkins like that somewhere. Nic

  5. LOL, oh dear! $20!? What an outrage.. I frequently have issues paying over $5.00 for things at the shop

  6. How wonderful that table cloth is! I do wonder why we call them fleamarkets?

  7. Gorgeous tablecloth!
    Yep, those prices at the oppy are going up. Crazy!

  8. i'm with you re flea markets ... we have junk, treasure and op shops and i love an op shop the best. great find re the tablecloth .. someone's really cross stitched up a storm

  9. WOW!!!! That tablecloth is spectacular, and not a single stain! I'm surprised you got it for a $1. Even doilies cost the earth these days, ever since the shops realised people were using them for craft and they suddenly became sought after items.
    I'm with you on the fleas, we have cats and dogs, and fleas are nobody's friends - blasted little parasites!

  10. Flea Market Finds just flows better. I can never find anything decent in Op Shops so i go to the great recycled decent rubbish shed next to our tip, Revolve. Fabulous as you get seriously decent furniture for displays & markets stands, nothing i'd put in my house but garage, yes!! Love Posie

  11. Your tablecloth is lovely! How's the prices in some of these places - outrageous!

  12. Well, you know they are also called swap meets, too, right? :p

    $20 for a skirt at an op shop? That's robbery, is what that is.

  13. That calls for a letter of $20 complaint methinks!

  14. That is a truly lovely tablecloth. You were very lucky to get it for $1.00, up here in Lismore they would have it in a special Saturday sale and charged an arm and a leg for it. They are very, very canny up here. The op shop saints looked down upon you. Good work. xxNick

  15. nice tablecloth at my kinda price..

  16. Ah, it's a good one. I bought DMC cottons yesterday for a project. They were less than $1 each. I can't remember them being that cheap before. I was ready for some ruinous amount to be asked of me, and it was piddly. The seven buttons I bought at $1.28 each (yes, bah) were more than the cottons.

  17. that is a fabulous buy for a $1! some places are called fleamarkets here, but its usually car boot sales

  18. ooh just beautiful! What are you thinking of making with it?

  19. Beautiful Thrift finds. What fun. Hugs, Diane

  20. Gorgeous find, imagine the hours it took to create!


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