
Monday, March 1, 2010

More skirts...

After the success of my first a-line skirt from Sew What Skirts, and then helping Bec to make one too, I jumped at the chance to make one for Liz.

Liz found the front panel fabric at the oppy, and I just happened to have the perfect brown fabric (some sort of linen blend I think - also from the oppy) in the stash for the back two panels.

After the first fitting, it ended up being a little bit short.... so I added a strip of brown velour type fabric (also from the oppy) right around the skirt.

My original mistake with the length has turned out to be a design feature instead!


  1. Fantastic skirt. I just got the same book from the library on the weekend and can not wait to try my first A-Line. I think anyone that wants to make a skirt must get this book it is fantastic.

  2. A great skirt! I love the way you extended the length.

  3. Who would have a little bit of extra length could have such a perfect design impact!!

    xo Steph

  4. One of my patternmaking teacher's most common sayings was "Make a feature of it". Saved many a project from the scrapheap!

  5. I LOVE my "boys hunting fabric" skirt!
    Thanks for doing such a good job.

  6. this skirt looks sensational! The front panel is just amazing and I love how you have added to it with the brown linen and velour. It adds interest in just the right doses. well done.

  7. Love, love, love that skirt! :D

  8. Fabulous, I love the front panel, and I agree, the velour strip to extend the length is a great design feature.

  9. Who's a clever girl then ? Congrats on a great job !

  10. necessity is the mother of invention ... i know Liz is going to love it.

  11. that looks really nice :) that fabric was a great find

  12. very nice Ms Cam, and Liz looked fab in it.
    they are definitely my kind of colours.
    have a good week lovely lady.

  13. That is an amazing skirt - just gorgeous and I love the velour edging (looks like you meant it)!

  14. Oh I want one!!!
    Just so gorgeous Cam...
    I have been hunting through patterns myself for a fool proof skirt...
    You have made me want to try...
    and attempt one at least...
    my verification word is "corker" how funny is that!!!

  15. Wow, love it! You should definitely make more skirts.

  16. That looks gorgeous, what a fantastic print! I do like that trim, clever work.

  17. Love it! And I love that book too, for freeing up design possibilities in a way conventional patterns don't.

  18. It looks beautiful, I have that book and keep meaning to use it...

  19. Oh I just love this skirt! The fabric panel is just fabulous, I so love the ship! Beautiful work
    Sophie x

  20. Fantastic skirt - I'm loving the A-line at the moment!

  21. I REALLY like that skirt and style - well done.

    I hope you plan to make more in bigger sizes????

    I will keep an eye out - I could do with some one off skirts.

  22. Cam, I bought this book AGES ago and have yet to make a thing! (I did cut out the fabric, but then decided it was not going to fit!)
    You have inspired me try once again! Yours look great.

  23. I've got that book - think you've inspired me to go measure myself and make up that pattern. Hard to beat that groovy fabric though! Love it.

  24. What's the old saying? Necessatity is the Mother of Invention. Invention has created a fabulous skirt. I will need to look out for this book.
    Check out my blogiversry give away!

  25. Love this - The bit down the bottom is perfect!

  26. I'm sure I recall "someone" saying they don't sew clothes patterns that well...???? Hhhhmmmmmm...!!

    Looks fab Cam and love the mistake.

  27. Oooh that's an A1 A-line Curlypops! Very clever.

  28. Loveit, loveit, loveit - you clever Pops!


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