
Thursday, March 11, 2010

My creative space

Stack of bibs still needing snaps and labels

This weeks creative space is all about finishing off the works in progress to get ready for the Northside Makers Market this Saturday.

Plateful of brooches still needing brooch backs added

I'm a bit of an attention deficit crafter.... so I always have half finished projects strewn all over the place.

Gadget pouches - cut and wadded

Boredom usually sets in after an hour or so, and I'm looking for something new to make.

Here's hoping that I get it all finished!

The home of My Creative Space


  1. You're an early bird today! I think most crafters have some degree of AD! I sure do. Good luck with the deadlines xx

  2. Great bibs, cool colours and prints! I really should start using bibs more, I realise now. That would save me from a lot of frustration about tomatoe stains :S

    Anyway, good luck with finishing your projects!

  3. You can do it! Apparently I have to fit Mornington into my schedule on Saturday as well. Sometimes markets feel like they are just getting in the way.....

  4. If anyone can do it's good ol' Superpops. how exciting you are doing Northside this month! Good luck
    I might see you there xo

  5. You will get them all finished i am sure of it! Have fun at the market.

  6. If you can get your Creative Space up this early, getting everything off to market should be a cinch. All the best with it.
    ps. Love that gorgeous Wizard of Oz fabric!

  7. How boring would it be if we finished everything we started ? I always have things cut out, things half made, things finished bar the last detail. When you finish the latter it feels like you have accomplished something !

  8. What wonderful projects to have about! I seem to have the same attitude towards cleaning of late and that is not nice at all :(

  9. oooh I always get such fabric envy popping around to see people's creative spaces! The fabrics you've got there are gorgeous!

  10. I love the butterfly bib. Have fun at the market.

  11. I like the term attention deficit crafter - I'm one of those too! You should see the state of my house - half finished projects everywhere!

  12. Oooo everything looks so fabulous. Love that sweet little butterfly bib. Enjoy and have a fab market!
    Sophie x

  13. Have a great market and let that ADC run free. Lisa x

  14. Ace bibs Cam, sure to be winners! Hope the market is great, I'll have to pop in and visit sometime xo

  15. Attention deficit my foot! You are the most organised, on the ball markety crafter I know! And if not, you do a damned good job of pulling everything together. So ner.

  16. What a beautiful and colourful stall you are going to have - bet it is going to go great!

  17. You say "attention deficit", I say "multi-tasker"...!

  18. Brilliant, I wish I was an attention deficit crafter. I am more a "distracted by pretty shiny things on blogs so never get started crafter" XX Nick

  19. I see no problem at all with ADD crafting. If it means you have several things on the go at once, you're less likely to get bored with crafting! I hope the market is a great one today - the weather is fabulous so hopefully that's a good sign...! x

  20. OMG Where did you get that uber cute Wizard of Oz fabric?? Please please divulge...

  21. Jac - its from Retromummy -


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