
Friday, March 12, 2010

Northside Makers Market Tomorrow

Todays post is all about blatant advertising!

I'll be peddling my wares at the Northside Makers Market tomorrow alongside lots of other fantastically talented crafty peeps.

Mosaic courtesy Northside Makers

Alannah Banana Designs
Babushka Baby

Come along for a browse and a cupcake, and make sure to say hi!


  1. I'm hoping to get there tomorrow - good luck!

  2. Have a great day and a spot of advertising never hurts anyone! Lisa x

  3. I so wish I could be there, call me a wimp, but the drive is just a bit much from Qld! I am sure you will have a fabulous day.

  4. I saw you at the market today. The quality of your work and your attention to detail is just gorgeous. :)

  5. I love my new sunnie case. Thanks



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