
Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Creative Space

The felty circles from last week are progressing along slowly...

...and I completed and mailed off a couple of custom orders (above scribble is the construction plan for one of them).

The puddle of glue is still drying, and I have nine days left until the Easter Daylesford Makers Market. I'm hoping to have something new on my stall. Keep your fingers crossed!

Make sure to check out this weeks Creative Spaces with the Hostess with the Mostest Kirsty.


  1. The felt is still looking good and I can't wait to see what new thing you are thinking of :)

  2. the circles look gorgeous ... i love pink and orange together. can't wait to see it done.

  3. If I thought I could spell curiouser competently... or competently for that matter, I would write it twice & be done with it.

    Instead I'll settle for interesting. ;)

  4. Ooh, I hope it dries too as it sounds like it would be a very cool easter basket! Love the circles too. Something new hey? Can't wait to see what it is! :)

  5. Are you putting the glue puddle outside in the sunshine so that it doesn't dry too slowly and mould. That is, if there is any sunshine in Melbourne! Haven't been keeping up with the weather, sorry. Cherrie

  6. I can’t wait to see what those circles are when the grow up!
    p.s. I shall begin stalking the mail man, hooray, hooray, hooray! (Don’t worry, I know it won’t be today, but I can start eyeballing him for practice!)

  7. & perfect "curlypops" colours too. Looking forward to the finished something.

  8. can't wait to see the circly love evolve. that felt is divine

  9. Looking forward to seeing the end product! I had a pile of felt in MCS last week... lovely colours

  10. Felt circles!! They are the most fun felt things I think... better than squares and triangles!!

    xo Steph

  11. Ooh I like felty circles, can't wait to see what they become!

  12. HOW do you get your circles so circular?? they are so neat!

  13. I agree, your circles sure are lovely! Looking forward to what they may become...

  14. Looking lovely. Good luck with your Easter market prep.

  15. Oh, you are such tease with your felty circles!! : )
    Have fun at the markets.

  16. Can't wait to see what the felty circles are for :)


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