
Friday, March 19, 2010

The one where I finally say thankyou

Life suddenly got a whole lot busier this year, so I've been a little slack with keeping up to date with the thankyous!

Lovely Lauren gifted me this gorgeous button necklace at the market on Saturday (it features one of my favourite Ume Komachi fabrics) and lovely Liz gifted me a gorgeous (extremely limited edition) floral lino brooch.

In the mail last week, I received these fabulously funky retro tea towels and a gorgeous scrappy brooch from lovely Steph at Moo Bear. She stumbled across them at a garage sale....the floral motifs and the colours are absolutely amazing.

...and last but certainly not least is this absolutely beautiful tea towel from lovely Mandapanda at Krafty Panda.

 I desperately need to make myself a new tote bag (the grubby penguins need a wash), so this will be the perfect size and print!

Thank you so so much to all of you for the super special pressies!


  1. lucky you ... what gorgeous gifts. i have one of the lino forest brooches too ... aren't they gorgeous?

  2. Nothing better for brightening the day than bloggy postal love...

  3. I'll take those tea towels off your hands, you don't need them in your kitchen, do you?

  4. Kinda like a big flowery lovefest!

  5. I didn't even recognise the tea towels... They look different in your photo...hehe Brighter? Happier? Check out the floral lino brooch THAT's funky!!

    xo Steph


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